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Images of ジメルカプロール



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赤ワインセット【送料無料】第253弾!全て金賞受賞!史上最強級「キング・オブ・金メダル」極旨ボルドー赤ワイン 6本セット!ワインセット 赤ワイン ミディアムボディ フルボディ 辛口 金賞ワイン 上質 金賞 高級 飲み比べ 詰め合わせ ギフト

赤ワインセット【送料無料】第253弾!全て金賞受賞!史上最強級「キング・オブ・金メダル」極旨ボルドー赤ワイン 6本セット!ワインセット 赤ワイン ミディアムボディ フルボディ 辛口 金賞ワイン…



This figure includes two structures. In a, a five member ring is shown with an S atom at the top with additional atoms single bonded in the following order clockwise around the pentagonal ring; M atom, S atom, C atom of a C H subscript 2 group, followed by a C atom of a C H group. The final C atom is bonded to the original S atom completing the ring. The C in the C H group is at the upper left of the structure. This C has a C H subscript 2 group bonded above to which an O H group is bonded to the right. In b, a complex structure is shown. It has an open central region and multiple ring structures. A single F e atom is included, appearing to be bonded to six O atoms. Fifteen total O atoms are bonded into the structure along with three N atoms and multiple C atoms and H atoms. Nine O atoms are single bonded and are incorporated into rings and six are double bonded, extending outward from ring structures.

This figure includes two structures. In a, a five member ring is shown with an S atom at the top with additional atoms single bonded in the following order clockwise around the pentagonal ring; M atom, S atom, C atom of a C H subscript 2 group, followed by a C atom of a C H group. The final C atom is bonded to the original S atom completing the ring. The C in the C H group is at the upper left of the structure. This C has a C H subscript 2 group bonded above to which an O H group is bonded to the right. In b, a complex structure is shown. It has an open central region and multiple ring structures. A single F e atom is included, appearing to be bonded to six O atoms. Fifteen total O atoms are bonded into the structure along with three N atoms and multiple C atoms and H atoms. Nine O atoms are single bonded and are incorporated into rings and six are double bonded, extending outward from ring structures.


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