Intermediate Small Note 1
English Public
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Vocabulary List
- エンジンエンジンengine [noun]new15424
- エイズエイズAIDS [noun]new15423
- シリーズシリーズseries [noun]new15422
- すっかりすっかりall / completely [adverb]new15421
- きっかけきっかけchance / opportunity [noun]new15420
- いつもいつもalways / usually [noun]new15419
- せいせいcause / fault [noun]new15418
- イメージイメージimage [suru verb]new15417
- ケースケースcase [noun]new15416
- 業績ぎょうせきachievement / performance [noun]new15415
- 急増きゅうぞうsudden increase [suru verb]new15414
- 職場しょくばplace of work / office [noun]new15413
- 制限せいげんrestriction / limit [suru verb]new15412
- 広告こうこくpublic notice / advertisement [suru verb]new15411
- 緊張きんちょうtension / strain [suru verb]new15410
- 資産しさんproperty / assets [noun]new15409
- 以降いこうhereafter [noun]new15408
- 暮らすくらすlive / earn one's livelihood [verb]new15407
- 区別くべつdistinction / classification [suru verb]new15406
- 必ずしもかならずしもnot always / not necessarily [adverb]new15405
- 抑えるおさえるsuppress / bring under control [verb]new15404
- 策さくscheme / policy [noun]new15403
- 監督かんとくsupervisor / film director [suru verb]new15402
- 獲得かくとくacquisition [suru verb]new15401
- 自己じこoneself / self [noun]new15400
- 活躍かつやくactivity / action [suru verb]new15399
- 効率こうりつefficiency [noun]new15398
- 深刻しんこくserious / grave [adjective]new15397
- 主要しゅようmain / principal [na-adj]new15396
- 障害しょうがいobstacle / disorder [noun]new15395
- 拒否きょひdenial / rejection [suru verb]new15394
- 初期しょきearly days / initial [noun]new15393
- 焦点しょうてんfocus / focal point [noun]new15392
- 航空機こうくうきaircraft / airplane [noun]new15391
- 確立かくりつestablishment [suru verb]new15390
- 州しゅうstate [noun]new15389
- 盛んさかんprosperous / active [adjective]new15388
- 後半こうはんlatter half / second half [noun]new15387
- 式しきceremony [noun]new15386
- 最終さいしゅうlast / final [noun]new15385
- 少なくともすくなくともat least [adverb]new15384
- 全てすべてall / entirely [adverb]new15383
- 演説えんぜつspeech / address [suru verb]new15382
- 感じかんじfeeling / impression [noun]new15381
- 雇用こようemployment [suru verb]new15380
- 恐れおそれfear / risk [noun]new15379
- 一層いっそうmore / even more [adverb]new15378
- 意向いこうintention / inclination [noun]new15377
- 優れるすぐれるbe superior to / be fine [verb]new15376
- 危機ききcrisis / emergency [noun]new15375
- 基礎きそbasis / foundation [noun]new15374
- 浮かぶうかぶfloat [verb]new15373
- 外務省がいむしょうMinistry of Foreign Affairs [noun]new15372
- 応用おうようapplication [suru verb]new15371
- 死しdeath [noun]new15370
- 財政ざいせいpublic finance / financial affairs [noun]new15369
- 原料げんりょうraw material [noun]new15368
- 消費者しょうひしゃconsumer [noun]new15367
- 限りかぎりlimit / as far as possible [noun]new15366
- 行政ぎょうせいadministration [noun]new15365
- 条約じょうやくtreaty [noun]new15364
- 航空こうくうaviation [noun]new15363
- 勢力せいりょくinfluence / power [noun]new15362
- 推進すいしんpromotion [suru verb]new15361
- 医療いりょうmedical service / healthcare [noun]new15360
- 交換こうかんexchange / bartering [suru verb]new15359
- 工夫くふうcontrivance / scheme [suru verb]new15358
- 保かくほsecurement [suru verb]new15357
- 疑いうたがいdoubt / suspicion [noun]new15356
- 指導しどうguide / lead [suru verb]new15355
- 健康けんこうhealth [noun]new15354
- 形式けいしきform / model [noun]new15353
- 距離きょりdistance / interval [noun]new15352
- 急速きゅうそくrapid / swift [adjective]new15351
- 追うおうchase / pursue [verb]new15350
- 至るいたるcome to / reach [verb]new15349
- 世代せだいgeneration [noun]new15348
- 収入しゅうにゅうincome / earnings [noun]new15347
- 訓練くんれんtraining / drill [suru verb]new15346
- 成果せいかresult / fruit [noun]new15345
- 決してけっしてnever / by no means [adverb]new15344
- 核かくcore / atomic nucleus [noun]new15343
- 終えるおえるend / finish [verb]new15342
- 説得せっとくpersuasion [suru verb]new15341
- 会員かいいんmember [noun]new15340
- 思いおもいthoughts / feelings [noun]new15339
- 軍事ぐんじmilitary affairs [noun]new15338
- 違反いはんviolation / breach [suru verb]new15337
- 集合しゅうごうgathering / assembly [suru verb]new15336
- 去るさるgo away / leave [verb]new15335
- 実態じったいthe actual situation / the realities [noun]new15334
- 固定こていfixing / stability [suru verb]new15333
- 一致いっちaccord / agreement [suru verb]new15332
- 改善かいぜんimprovement / amelioration [suru verb]new15331
- 原則げんそくprinciple / general rule [noun]new15330
- 現代げんだいpresent age / modern times [noun]new15329
- 性格せいかくcharacter / personality [noun]new15328
- 人事じんじhuman affairs / personnel affairs [noun]new15327
- 指定していdesignation / appointment [suru verb]new15326
- 減少げんしょうdecrease / reduction [suru verb]new15325
- 首脳しゅのうhead / leader [noun]new15324
- 供給きょうきゅうsupply / provision [suru verb]new15323
- 回路かいろcircuit [noun]new15322
- 定めるさだめるfix / determine [verb]new15321
- 正式せいしきformal / regular [na-adj]new15320
- 希望きぼうhope / wish [suru verb]new15319
- 出荷しゅっかshipping / dispatch [suru verb]new15318
- 規制きせいregulation / control [suru verb]new15317
- 実はじつはactually [adverb / phrase]new15316
- 過程かていprocess / course [noun]new15315
- 受験じゅけんtake an examination [suru verb]new15314
- 金属きんぞくmetal [noun]new15313
- 以下いかbelow [noun]new15312
- 最高さいこうmaximum / supreme [noun]new15311
- 外交がいこうdiplomacy / foreign relations [noun]new15310
- 青年せいねんyouth / young man [noun]new15309
- 人生じんせいhuman life / life [noun]new15308
- 各種かくしゅeach kind / various [noun]new15307
- 売り上げうりあげsales / proceeds [noun]new15306
- 建築けんちくconstruction / architecture [suru verb]new15305
- 制御せいぎょcontrol / command [suru verb]new15304
- 国際的こくさいてきinternational [na-adj]new15303
- 禁止きんしprohibition / forbiddance [suru verb]new15302
- 記事きじarticle / story [noun]new15301
- 将来しょうらいfuture / in the future [noun]new15300
- 国鉄こくてつJapan National Railways [noun]new15299
- 性質せいしつnature / property [noun]new15298
- 実績じっせきachievement / performance [noun]new15297
- 極めてきわめてextremely / very [adverb]new15296
- 集中しゅうちゅうconcentration / convergence [suru verb]new15295
- 合わせるあわせるadjust / match [verb]new15294
- 苦労くろうdifficulty / hardship [suru verb]new15293
- 記述きじゅつdescription [suru verb]new15292
- 構想こうそうconception / design [suru verb]new15291
- 従業員じゅうぎょういんemployee / worker [noun]new15290
- 圧力あつりょくpressure [noun]new15289
- 規定きていregulation / provision [suru verb]new15288
- 手段しゅだんmeans / way [noun]new15287
- 戦後せんごpostwar period [noun]new15286
- 従うしたがうfollow / obey [verb]new15285
- 抱えるかかえるhold in one's arms [verb]new15284
- 計けいtotal [noun]new15283
- 結成けっせいorganization / formation [suru verb]new15282
- 前後ぜんごbefore and after / order [noun]new15281
- 共通きょうつうcommonality [suru verb]new15280
- 現象げんしょうphenomenon [noun]new15279
- 委員会いいんかいcommittee [noun]new15278
- 人物じんぶつcharacter / person [noun]new15277
- 改正かいせいrevision / amendment [suru verb]new15276
- 描くえがくdepict / describe [verb]new15275
- 情勢じょうせいstate of things / situation [noun]new15274
- 失敗しっぱいfailure / mistake [suru verb]new15273
- 重視じゅうしimportance / value [suru verb]new15272
- 隠すかくすhide / conceal [verb]new15271
- 運営うんえいoperation / management [suru verb]new15270
- 消費しょうひconsumption / spending [suru verb]new15269
- 調べしらべInvestigation / inquiry [noun]new15268
- 小型こがたsmall-sized [noun]new15267
- 以前いぜんbefore / ago [noun]new15266
- 基地きちbase / military base [noun]new15265
- 資料しりょうmaterials / data [noun]new15264
- 位くらいrank / dignity [noun]new15263
- 概念がいねんgeneral idea / concept [noun]new15262
- 議論ぎろんargument / discussion [suru verb]new15261
- 全員ぜんいんall members / entire staff [noun]new15260
- 安定あんていstability / composure [suru verb]new15259
- 議長ぎちょうchairman / president [noun]new15258
- 会場かいじょうvenue / meeting place [noun]new15257
- 形成けいせいformation [suru verb]new15256
- 株式かぶしきstock [noun]new15255
- 及ぶおよぶreach to / come up to [verb]new15254
- 加わるくわわるjoin in [verb]new15253
- 性能せいのうperformance / capacity [noun]new15252
- 生じるしょうじるhappen / cause [verb]new15251
- 受け入れるうけいれるaccept / accommodate [verb]new15250
- 死亡しぼうdeath [suru verb]new15249
- 共同きょうどうjoint / commonality [suru verb]new15248
- 現地げんちactual site / in the field [noun]new15247
- 記憶きおくmemory / recollection [suru verb]new15246
- 結局けっきょくafter all / finally [adverb]new15245
- 設備せつびequipment / facilities [suru verb]new15244
- 維持いじmaintenance / upkeep [suru verb]new15243
- 回復かいふくrecovery / rehabilitation [suru verb]new15242
- 大蔵省おおくらしょうMinistry of Finance [noun]new15241
- 機会きかいopportunity / occasion [noun]new15240
- 医師いしdoctor / physician [noun]new15239
- 案あんplan / proposal [noun]new15238
- 国家こっかstate / country [noun]new15237
- 水準すいじゅんlevel / standard [noun]new15236
- 進行しんこうadvancement [suru verb]new15235
- 辞任じにんresignation [suru verb]new15234
- 景気けいきeconomic climate [noun]new15233
- 営業えいぎょうbusiness / sales [suru verb]new15232
- 運用うんようoperation / management [suru verb]new15231
- 証券しょうけんbill / bond [noun]new15230
- 欧米おうべいEurope and America [noun]new15229
- 政治家せいじかpolitician [noun]new15228
- 差さdifference [noun]new15227
- 起こすおこすbring about / cause [verb]new15226
- 一種いっしゅa kind of / a sort of [noun]new15225
- 高速こうそくhigh speed [noun]new15224
- 行動こうどうaction / conduct [suru verb]new15223
- 現実げんじつactuality / reality [noun]new15222
- 審議しんぎdeliberation / consideration [suru verb]new15221
- 現状げんじょうpresent condition [noun]new15220
- 金利きんりinterest / interest rate [noun]new15219
- 応じるおうじるanswer / comply with [verb]new15218
- 向上こうじょうimprovement [suru verb]new15217
- 額がくpicture frame [noun]new15216
- 市内しないin the city [noun]new15215
- 失ううしなうlose / miss [verb]new15214
- 出力しゅつりょくoutput [suru verb]new15213
- 各地かくちevery place / various parts [noun]new15212
- 活用かつようutilization / conjugation [suru verb]new15211
- 成立せいりつformation [suru verb]new15210
- 削減さくげんcurtailment / reduction [suru verb]new15209
- 支援しえんsupport / backing [suru verb]new15208
- 職員しょくいんstaff / employee [noun]new15207
- 自身じしんself [noun]new15206
- 避けるさけるavoid / evade [verb]new15205
- 金融きんゆうfinance [noun]new15204
- 石油せきゆpetroleum / oil [noun]new15203
- 製品せいひんmanufactured goods [noun]new15202
- 接続せつぞくconnection / joining [suru verb]new15201
- 移動いどうmovement / shift [suru verb]new15200
- 外相がいしょうMinister of Foreign Affairs [noun]new15199
- 関心かんしんconcern / interest [noun]new15198
- 指摘してきidentification / pointing out [suru verb]new15197
- 購入こうにゅうpurchase [suru verb]new15196
- 事態じたいsituation / state of affairs [noun]new15195
- 需要じゅようdemand [noun]new15194
- 協議きょうぎconference / deliberation [suru verb]new15193
- 完全かんぜんperfect / complete [na-adj]new15192
- 進出しんしゅつadvancement [suru verb]new15191
- 新たあらたnew / fresh [adjective]new15190
- 意識いしきconsciousness / awareness [suru verb]new15189
- 成長せいちょうgrowth [suru verb]new15188
- 議会ぎかいassembly / council [noun]new15187
- 設置せっちestablishment [suru verb]new15186
- 就任しゅうにんinauguration / appointment [suru verb]new15185
- 幹部かんぶexecutive [noun]new15184
- 頭かしらhead / chief [noun]new15183
- 合意ごういmutual agreement [suru verb]new15182
- 大手おおてmajor companies [noun]new15181
- 設立せつりつestablishment / foundation [suru verb]new15180
- 取材しゅざいcollection of data / gathering of news [suru verb]new15178
- 円高えんだかappreciation of the yen [noun]new15177
- 整備せいびmaintenance / servicing [suru verb]new15176
- 業界ぎょうかいindustry / business world [noun]new15175
- 上がるあがるbe completed [verb]new15174