English Public
by spanz
Vocabulary List
- 成るなるbecome [verb]new7715
- 見つかるみつかるbe found / be caught [verb]new4484
- 休むやすむtake a day off / take a break [verb]new4483
- 場合ばあいsituation / case [noun]new4482
- 円えんyen [noun]new4481
- ためためsake / purpose [noun]new4480
- 自分じぶんself / oneself [noun]new4478
- 本当にほんとうにreally / truly [adverb]new4477
- ご主人ごしゅじん(your) husband [noun]new4476
- お手洗いおてあらいtoilet / bathroom [noun]new4475
- 悪いわるいbad [adjective]new4474
- 六ろくsix [noun]new4473
- 来年らいねんnext year [noun]new4472
- 四よんfour [noun]new4471
- 夜よるnight (from sunset to sunrise) [noun]new4470
- 四日よっかfour days / 4th of the month [noun]new4469
- 止めるやめるstop / give up / abolish [verb]new4468
- 八つやっつeight (things) [noun]new4467
- 目めeye [noun]new4466
- 道みちroad / street [noun]new4465
- 店みせshop / store [noun]new4464
- 見えるみえるbe visible [verb]new4463
- 万まんten thousand [noun]new4462
- 欲しいほしいwant / desire [adjective]new4461
- 僕ぼくI (young male) [noun]new4460
- 他ほかother [noun]new4459
- 方ほうdirection / side [noun]new4458
- 百ひゃくhundred [noun]new4457
- 一人ひとりone / one person [noun]new4456
- 人ひとperson [noun]new4455
- 母はは(speaker's) mother [noun]new4454
- 七日なのかseven days / 7th of the month [noun]new4453
- 何なにwhat / which [noun]new4452
- 七つななつseven (things) [noun]new4451
- 夏なつsummer [noun]new4450
- 時々ときどきsometimes [adverb]new4449
- 十日とおかten days / 10th of the month [noun]new4448
- 手てhand [noun]new4447
- 冷たいつめたいcold (things / touch) [adjective]new4446
- 妻つまwife [noun]new4445
- 月つきmoon [noun]new4444
- 一日ついたち1st of the month [noun]new4443
- 父ちち(speaker's) father [noun]new4442
- 小さいちいさいsmall [adjective]new4441
- 出すだすtake out [verb]new4440
- 大丈夫だいじょうぶalright / OK [na-adj.]new4439
- 下したunder / below [noun]new4438
- 四しfour [noun]new4437
- 寒いさむいcold (temperature of the air) [adjective]new4436
- 先さきahead / first [noun]new4435
- 答えるこたえるanswer / reply [verb]new4434
- 九つここのつnine (things) [noun]new4433
- 九日ここのかnine days / 9th of the month [noun]new4432
- 五ごfive [noun]new4431
- 口くちmouth [noun]new4430
- 奇麗きれいbeautiful [na-adj.]new4429
- 昨日きのうyesterday [noun]new4428
- 彼かれhe / one's boyfriend [noun]new4427
- 金かねmoney [noun]new4426
- 女おんなwoman / girl [noun]new4425
- お願いおねがいfavor [suru-verb]new4424
- 大人おとなadult [noun]new4423
- 男おとこman / male [noun]new4422
- 弟おとうとyounger brother [noun]new4421
- 大きいおおきいbig [adjective]new4420
- おいしいおいしいtasty [adjective]new4419
- 駅えきrailway station [noun]new4418
- 動くうごくmove [verb]new4417
- 上うえup / above [noun]new4416
- 妹いもうとyounger sister [noun]new4415
- 五ついつつfive (things) [noun]new4413
- 良いいいgood [adjective]new4411
- 有るあるexist / possess [verb]new4409
- 暖かいあたたかいwarm [adjective]new4407
- 四つよっつfour (things) [noun]new4405
- 二日ふつかtwo days / 2nd of the month [noun]new4403
- 左ひだりleft [noun]new4401
- 二十日はつか20 days / 20th of the month [noun]new4399
- 七ななseven [noun]new4397
- 強いつよいstrong [adjective]new4395
- 上手じょうずgood / skilled [na-adj.]new4393
- 高校生こうこうせいhigh school student [noun]new4391
- 八日ようかeight days / 8th of the month [noun]new4389
- 三つみっつthree (things) [noun]new4387
- 細いほそいthin / slender / narrow [adjective]new4385
- 違うちがうdiffer / be wrong [verb]new4383
- 酸っぱいすっぱいsour [adjective]new4381
- 九きゅうnine [noun]new4379
- 一杯いっぱいfull [adverb]new4377
- 五日いつかfive days / 5th of the month [noun]new4375
- 前まえfront / before [noun]new4373
- 来るくるcome [verb]new4371
- あそこあそこover there [pronoun]new4369
- 三日みっかthree days / 3rd of the month [noun]new4367
- 八はちeight [noun]new4365
- 辛いからいspicy / salty [adjective]new4363
- お兄さんおにいさんolder brother [noun]new4361
- ようようway / like / kind [noun]new4359
- 辺へんvicinity / part [noun]new4357
- 易しいやさしいeasy / simple [adjective]new4355
- 直るなおるbe repaired / return to normal [verb]new4353
- お姉さんおねえさんolder sister [noun]new4351
- 六日むいかsix days / 6th of the month [noun]new4349
- 六つむっつsix (things) [noun]new4347
- 千せんthousand [noun]new4345
- 今晩こんばんthis evening / tonight [noun]new4343
- 二つふたつtwo (things) [noun]new4341
- 水曜日すいようびWednesday [noun]new4339
- 三さんthree [noun]new4337
- 渇くかわくbe thirsty [verb]new4335
- 火曜日かようびTuesday [noun]new4333
- こっちこっちhere [pronoun]new4331
- そばそばside / vicinity [noun]new4329
- 曜日ようびday of the week [noun]new4327
- 木曜日もくようびThursday [noun]new4325
- 飲み物のみものbeverage / drink [noun]new4323
- 書き直すかきなおすrewrite [verb]new4321
- 駄目だめno good [na-adj.]new4319
- 触るさわるtouch / feel [verb]new4317
- 曇るくもるbecome cloudy [verb]new4315
- 平仮名ひらがなhiragana [noun]new4313
- まずいまずいbad-tasting / bad [adjective]new4311
- 締めるしめるtighten / fasten [verb]new4309
- 閉まるしまるbe shut / be closed [verb]new4307
- 二にtwo [noun]new4305
- あれあれthat over there [noun]new4303
- 水みずwater [noun]new4301
- 開くひらくopen [verb]new4299
- 今週こんしゅうthis week [noun]new4297
- 片仮名かたかなkatakana [noun]new4295
- 入るはいるenter [verb]new4293
- 月曜日げつようびMonday [noun]new4291
- つけるつけるswitch on [verb]new4289
- 髪の毛かみのけhair [noun]new4287
- 日にちday [noun]new4285
- ご飯ごはんcooked rice / meal [noun]new4283
- 上るのぼるgo up [verb]new4281
- 空くすくbe empty [verb]new4279
- 汚いきたないdirty [adjective]new4277
- 茶色ちゃいろlight brown [noun]new4275
- 大好きだいすきlove [adjective]new4273
- 晴れるはれるbe sunny / clear up [verb]new4271
- 優しいやさしいgentle / kind [adjective]new4269
- 風邪かぜcold (illness) [noun]new4267
- 黄色いきいろいyellow [adjective]new4265
- 無いないto not be [adjective]new4263
- 要るいるneed / require [verb]new4261
- 金曜日きんようびFriday [noun]new4259
- 嫌いきらいdislike [adjective]new4257
- 閉めるしめるshut / close [verb]new4255
- ミーティングミーティングmeeting [noun]new4253
- おなかおなかstomach [noun]new4251
- 曲がるまがるturn [verb]new4249
- 掛けるかけるhang / put on [verb]new4247
- どうしてどうしてwhy [adverb]new4245
- 泊まるとまるstay overnight [verb]new4243
- 時計とけいclock / watch [noun]new4241
- 多分たぶんprobably / perhaps [adverb]new4239
- お父さんおとうさんfather [noun]new4237
- 痛いいたいpainful [adjective]new4235
- 神かみgod / spirit [noun]new4234
- 土曜日どようびSaturday [noun]new4232
- 晩ばんevening (usually from sunset to bedtime) [noun]new4230
- 太いふといthick / fat [adjective]new4228
- 暑いあついhot / warm (temperature of the air) [adjective]new4226
- 天気てんきweather [noun]new4224
- 十じゅうten [noun]new4222
- ゲームゲームgame [noun]new4220
- 始まるはじまるbegin [verb]new4218
- 食べ物たべものfood [noun]new4216
- テーブルテーブルtable [noun]new4214
- 甘いあまいsweet [adjective]new4212
- 近くちかくvicinity / nearby [noun]new4210
- しゃべるしゃべるchat / talk [verb]new4208
- 愛するあいするlove / care for [verb]new4206
- 悲しいかなしいsad [adjective]new4204
- 載せるのせるplace / put on [verb]new4202
- 熱いあついhot (things / touch) [adjective]new4200
- 起きるおきるoccur [verb]new4198
- 鼻はなnose [noun]new4196
- 手伝うてつだうhelp / assist [verb]new4194
- 背せheight / stature [noun]new4192
- 終わりおわりend / conclusion [noun]new4190
- 大学生だいがくせいuniversity student [noun]new4188
- 留学生りゅうがくせいstudent studying abroad [noun]new4186
- お母さんおかあさんmother [noun]new4184
- 昼ひるdaytime / midday [noun]new4182
- 開けるあけるopen / unlock [verb]new4180
- 日曜日にちようびSunday [noun]new4178
- 腰こしhip / lower back [noun]new4176
- 嬉しいうれしいhappy / glad [adjective]new4174
- 後ろうしろback / behind [noun]new4172
- 服ふくclothes [noun]new4170
- 楽しいたのしいfun / enjoyable [adjective]new4168
- 決まるきまるbe decided [verb]new4166
- 線せんline [noun]new4164
- 切るきるcut [verb]new4162
- 米こめrice (grain) [noun]new4160
- 時ときtime [noun]new4158
- 閉じるとじるclose [verb]new4156