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Compounds of 四

  • (n) forty-ninth day after a person's death
  • (n) The 47 Ronin
  • (n) (uk) Aleutian Canada goose (Branta canadensis leucopareia)
  • (exp,n) the 48 basic sumo techniques
    every trick in the book
  • (exp) At forty, one has no doubts. (Confucius)
  • (n) the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism
    the Nine Chinese Classics
  • (n) four-color theorem (colour) (theorem stating that any map can be colored such that no two adjacent segments have the same color, if only four colors are used)
  • (n) four-color theorem (colour) (theorem stating that any map can be colored such that no two adjacent segments have the same color, if only four colors are used)
  • (n) an ideal topography for the four Taoist gods, with a river in the east, a broad avenue in the west, a basin in the south, and a hill in the north
  • (n) Szechuan cuisine
    Sichuan cuisine
  • (n) four arithmetic operations
    basic arithmetic operations
  • (n) tetrapod
  • (n) the four classical chemical elements (fire, earth, air and water)
  • (n) yodan verb conjugation (verb form of classical Japanese)
  • (n) Four Pillar astrology
    originally Chinese method of fortune-telling based on the time, date, month and year of a person's birth
  • (n,vs) traffic network extending in all directions
  • (exp) sleep four hours pass, sleep five hours fail
    four-pass, five fail
  • (n) quarter of a century
  • (n) every type of disease
  • (n) all China
  • (n) four-part harmony
  • (n) quarter note
  • (n) quarter note
  • (n,vs) torn asunder
    disrupted and disorganized
  • (n,vs) torn asunder
    disrupted and disorganized
  • (n) four-letter word (English)
  • (n) talk about various topics
  • (n) in all directions
  • (n) wooden plane with a convex base curved both along the direction of cutting and across the blade
  • (n,adj-no) being surrounded by enemies on all sides
    being betrayed (forsaken) by everybody
