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とも とも
Word or expression in common usage
  • certainly
  • of course
  • to be sure
  • rather

Word or expression in common usage
  • even if
  • no matter (who, what, when, where, why, how)

Word or expression in common usage
  • at the (least, earliest, etc.)
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • companion
  • follower
  • attendant
  • retinue
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • both
  • all
  • and
  • as well as
  • including
  • with
  • together with

  • neither (with negative verb)
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • companion
  • follower
  • attendant
  • retinue
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • friend
  • companion
  • pal
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • friend
  • companion
  • pal
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • companion
  • follower
  • attendant
  • retinue
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • stern


  • Japanese 忍耐が耐えられないこともある。
  • Japanese このような辞書には、「冷蔵庫」という言葉を使った例文が少なくとも2つは載っているはずだ。
  • Japanese 身命をかけて職務を実践し、すべての警察官の心に火をともしてくれました。
    English He risked his life to carry out his duty and inspired police officers everywhere.
  • Japanese 終わったあとも足が軽い感じがしました。
    English I felt very light on my feet afterwards.
  • Japanese 日本ではリング状のものが早くから普及したため「避妊リング」と呼ばれることも多い。
    English In Japan the ring shaped ones came into use first so they're also often called "contraceptive rings".
  • Japanese この公園の西側に近いところは、道路の騒音も大きいが、奥にはいるともう聞こえない。
    English Near the west side of the park there's a lot of noise from the road, but when you go into the park you can't hear it any more.
  • Japanese あなたがどこにいようとも快適な作業環境を提供してくれるのだ。
    English Wherever you are, we'll provide a comfortable work environment.
  • Japanese 耐震性の悪い建物に亀裂が生じることもある。
    English Also cracks may form in buildings that aren't Earthquake proof.
  • Japanese ひどくなると、亀裂が生じたり、断裂することもあります。
    English In severe cases, cracks can form or it can snap apart.
  • Japanese その瞬間、大音響とともに爆発した。
    English At that instant it exploded with a great noise.
  • Japanese 見たこともないような数の虻が、私にまとわりついてきたのです。
    English More horseflies than I'd ever seen came and flew around me.
  • Japanese 早く帰った方がいい、暑いから。サバは、生き腐れとも言われるくらい足が早い。
    English It's hot, so you'd better head back quickly. Mackerel goes off so fast that they coined 'fresh-looking rotten fish'.
  • Japanese ディスプレイはモニタともいい、コンピュータなどの機器から出力される静止画または動画の映像信号を表示する機器である。
    English A display, aka monitor, is an appliance that displays video signal of still images and moving pictures produced by a computer or similar device.
  • Japanese 大寒:1年で最も寒さが厳しくなる日ですが、春がもうすぐ間近に迫っているとも言えます。
    English Major Cold: It's the day of the year that the cold is most severe, but you could also say that Spring is just coming around the corner.
  • Japanese え、そうですとも
    English Yes, that is most certainly so.
  • Japanese これでこの一画は少なくとも20匹ニジマスがいるわけだ。
    English So now there are at least 20 rainbow trout in this area.
  • Japanese 俺は関係無い、イコール、いなくていい。だから、ここから出ていく何と言われようとも
    English It's nothing to do with me, equals, I don't have to be here. So I'm getting out of here, whatever anybody says!
  • Japanese それまで!2人ともなかなか力演でした。
    English OK, stop there! That was a strong performance from the two of you.
  • Japanese 「服汚れるでしょ」「それはノープロブレム。もともとあんまり綺麗じゃないし」
    English "You'll get your clothes dirty." "No worries. They weren't very clean in the first place."
  • Japanese ・・・・おいおいおい、奢りとわかったらリミッター解除ですか二人とも
    English ... Hey-hey you two, is it no holds barred as soon as you know it's my treat?



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