(v1,vt) to hurry up
(v1,vt) (1) to make someone cry
to move someone to tears
(2) to let cry
(3) to grieve
(v1,vt) to make something resound
(v1) to feel hungry
to get hungry
(v1,vt) to make bloom
(v1,vt) to put to bed
to lay down
to ferment
(v1) to put someone to work
to make someone work
(v1) to direct someone toward ...
(v1,vt) (1) to float
(2) to save (on one's expenses)
(v1,vt) to read to
to sing for
to inform
to tell
(v1) to raise
to inspire
to arouse
(v1,vt) (1) to bore
to tire
to weary
to stultify
(2) to use lavishly (and without regret)
(v1,vt) to be seasoned
to be enlivened
(v1) to fly
to flutter
to win over
to win one's heart
to subdue
(v1,vt) to tell someone to do something
to warn
to persuade
to instruct
(v1) to abash
(v1) to give a surprise (or blow)
to scare the hell out of
(exp,v1) (1) to make lively
to become animated
to have fun talking about something
(2) to become successful and well known
(exp) to think quickly
to use one's head
(exp,v1) (1) to (take in the situation, etc.) and make the smart move
(2) to (consider someone's feelings) and do the tactful or helpful thing
(v1,vt) to tell someone to do something
to warn
to persuade
to instruct
(v1,vt) to tell someone to do something
to warn
to persuade
to instruct
(v1,vt) to tell
to talk to
(v1,vt) to explain
to reason
(v1,vt) to read aloud to another
(exp,v1) to throw one's weight around
to exercise one's authority
to make one's presence felt
(v1) to evict
to eject
(exp,v1) to feel hungry
to get hungry
(exp,v1) to engage in lively conversation