(v1) (1) to fascinate
to attract
to charm
to pull up (at a gate)
(2) to have a convulsion
(v1,vt) to wreathe (e.g. rope)
(v1,vt) to sow (seeds)
(v1) (1) to fascinate
to attract
to charm
to pull up (at a gate)
(v1,vt) to write down
(v1,vt) to bake
to plate
to print
to burn or bake into
to burn into one's memory
(v1,vt) to blow against
to spray (paint, etc.) (onto a surface)
(v1,vt) to persuade
(v1,vt) to strike
to throw
to slap something onto
(v1,vt) to thrust before
to thrust at
(v1,vt) to kindle
to build a fire
to instigate
to stir up
(v1,vt) to hear
to catch (the sound)