(v5k,vi) to hurt
to smart
to sting
(adj-no) personal
(n) cleft grafting
crown grafting
(v5k,vi) to bite into
to stick to
(v5k,vi) to bite into
to stick to
(v5k,vi) to approach
(v5k) (uk) to get
to obtain
to come by
to find
(v5k,vi) to cling to
to grapple with
to possess
to stick to
(n) arrangement of food (on a dish)
serving of (arranged) food
(v5k) to be scorched
to boil down
(v5k,vi) to struggle on to
to arrive somewhere after a struggle
to grope along to
to barely manage to reach
to finally arrive at
to finally hit on (e.g. an idea)
(v5k) to cling (to)
(v5k) to cling (to)
(v5k,vi) to freeze to
to be frozen to
(v5k) (uk) to get
to obtain
to come by
to find
(v5k,vi) to cling to
(v5k,vi) to bite into
to stick to
(v5k,vi) to bite into
to stick to
(v5s,vt) to crush (with one's hands)
to abandon
(v1,vt) to beat (someone in battle)
(v1,vt) to allot
to distribute
to lay out
to divide among
to assign
(v1,vt) to fasten (a person) to
(v1,vt) to be accustomed to
to be used to
to argue into silence
to talk down
(v5s,vt) to say everything one wants to say
to exhaust a topic
(v1) to build in
(v1,vt) (1) to rub against
to nuzzle against (e.g. dog nosing a person)
(2) to strike (a match)
(v1,vt) (1) to rub against
to nuzzle against (e.g. dog nosing a person)
(2) to strike (a match)
(v1,vt) to blame another
(v1,vt) to cut at
to slash at
(v1,vt) to rebuke
to scold harshly