(n) eight
(n) (1) wait
(2) weight
(n) await
(n) (comp) ATOK (Advanced Technology Of Kana-kanji transfer)
(vs,n) create
(n,adj-f) associate
(n) waitress
(n) eight beat
(n) (comp) Net8
(n) (1) (comp) (abbr) no wait state memory (memory the CPU can access without requiring wait states)
(2) instant (e.g. for display speed of text in computer games) (wasei: no wait)
(n) having reached the quarterfinals (wasei: best eight)
(n) associate
(n) affiliate
(ik) (n) affiliate
(adj-na) immediate
(n) (comp) Oracle 8
(n) number eight
(n) free weights (i.e. weights lined up on the side wall of a gym)
(n) (comp) Oracle 8i
(n) weight control
(n) weight training
(n) weight lifting
(n) power weight ratio
(n) (comp) affiliate service
(n) (comp) affiliate program (of Internet advertising)
(n) (comp) affiliate marketing