(n) show
(n,adj-no) (uk) pepper
(n) (uk) ginger (Zingiber officinale)
(n) (uk) Japanese fiber banana (Musa basjoo)
(n) (comp) less-than mark (<)
left angle bracket
(n) (uk) crescent sweetlips (species of fish, Plectorhinchus cinctus)
(n) (uk) floating watermoss (Salvinia natans)
(n) show time
(n) showroom
(n) (comp) data-show
(n) roadshow
(n) (uk) Japanese rat snake (Elaphe climacophora)
(n) (uk) ruddy kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda)
(n) (uk) traveller's tree (Ravenala madagascariensis)
traveller's palm
(n) (uk) Thunberg's geranium (Geranium thunbergii)
(n) (uk) ashy minivet (species of passerine bird, Pericrocotus divaricatus)
(n) (uk) Takifugu snyderi (species of pufferfish)
(n) (uk) longleaf pine (Pinus palustris)
(n) (uk) jack-in-the-pulpit
cobra lily (plant of genus Arisaema)
(n) trade show
(n) (uk) Indo-Pacific sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus)
(n) (uk) false anemone (Anemonopsis macrophylla)
(n) one-man show
(n) (uk) Mexican fireplant (species of poinsettia, Euphorbia heterophylla)
(n) (uk) fruit fly (any insect of family Drosophilidae)
vinegar fly
pomace fly
banana fly
(n) (uk) Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus)
(n) (uk) Oriental longheaded locust (Acrida cinerea)
(n) (uk) Hida salamander (Hynobius kimurae)
(n) (uk) buchi salamander (Hynobius naevius)
(n) (uk) yellow skunk cabbage (Lysichiton americanum)