(n,vs) mask
(n) damask
(n) eye mask
(n) gas mask
(n) death mask
(n) (comp) mask ROM
(n) oxygen mask
(n) protective mask
(n) (comp) net-mask
(n) (comp) bit mask
(n) photomask
(n) (comp) mask read-only-memory
(vs) blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the water (wasei: mask clear)
(vs) blowing air into a dive mask through the nose to clear out the water or equalize the pressure (wasei: mask blow)
(n) musk melon
(n) muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
(n) (comp) access mask
(n) (comp) address mask
(n) shadow mask
(n) (comp) shadow mask
(n) unequal pressure between the mask air space and the vascular pressure within the blood vessels of the face
(n) (comp) subnet mask
(n) full-face diving mask which seals the whole face from the water
(n) (comp) Non-Maskable Interrupt
(n) (comp) custom subnet mask