(n) woman (ger: Frau)
(n) plough
(adv-to) (on-mim) gently and clearly shining (like the sun in springtime)
(n) crouch
(n) (1) cloud
(2) crowd
(n) crown
(n) grout
grouting (cement between tile squares)
(n) trauma (usu. psychological)
(n) (comp) (web) browser
(n) blouse
(n,vs) browse
(n) brown
(n) Pravda
(n,adj-no) Malawi
(n) (comp) router
(n) lounge
(n) round (esp. in sports, negotiations, etc.)
rounds (e.g. nurse, security guard, etc.)
(n) eyebrow
(n) around
(n) umlaut (ger:)
(n) sports ground
sports oval
(n) (uk) red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)
(n) surround
(n) Delaware
(adj-na) highbrow
(n) flounce
(n) (comp) (web) browser
(n) cathode-ray tube
Braun tube
(n) (uk) Nanking cherry (Prunus tomentosa)
downy cherry
(n) lousiness