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Compounds of 一発

  • (n-adv,n-t) (1) one shot
    (2) homerun (baseball)
  • (n) all-or-nothing gambler
    power hitter (baseball)
    one hit wonder (e.g. in music)
  • (v5r) (sl) (vulg) to have sex
    to bang someone
  • (n) first and final offer in labor-management negotiations
  • (n,vs) turning things around with a home run
    turning the tables with a single successful attack (move)
  • (n) contest decided by a single round (bout)
    contest decided by a single roll of dice
    one-shot game (contest)
    make-or-break game
  • (v5k) to ejaculate (gen. with ref. to masturbation)
  • (n) success on the first try (attempt)
  • (v5t) to break wind
    to have a shot
  • (v5s) (sl) to hit someone
  • (exp) to punch someone
    to give someone a belt