(n) changing
(v1,vt) to change
to alter
to vary
to convert
to revise
to amend
to transform
(n) replacement
(v1,vt) to forsake one thing for another
(n) (1) rewriting (book)
(2) renewal
(3) transfer of ownership
(v1) to put (things) in order
(exp) to resort to other means
(v1,vt) to change
to exchange
to convert
to renew
to throw a switch
to replace
to switch over
(v1) to put (things) in order
(exp) to change the position of
(exp) to try a new venue for eating, drinking, night amusement, etc.
(exp) to change one's point of view
(exp) to change facial expression or color (due to anger, embarrassment, etc.)
(exp) to revise (amend) the law
(exp) to change the schedule
(exp) to convert lead into gold
(exp) to change the shape and color of something (colour)
(exp) by hook or by crook
by all possible means