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Compounds of 手長

  • (n) long-armed
  • (n) drum major
  • (n) (uk) gibbon (any small, long-armed ape of family Hylobatidae)
  • (n) freshwater prawn (any species in the genus Macrobrachium)
  • (n) (uk) long-armed octopus (Octopus minor)
  • (n) freshwater prawn (any species in the genus Macrobrachium)
  • (n) freshwater prawn (any species in the genus Macrobrachium)
  • (n) (uk) siamang (species of gibbon, Symphalangus syndactylus)
  • (n) (uk) white-handed gibbon
    lar gibbon (Hylobates lar)
  • (n) (uk) Yanbaru long-armed scarab beetle (Cheirotonus jambar)
  • (n) (uk) hoolock gibbon (either of the two gibbons in genus Hoolock)