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Compounds of 抛

  • (v5t,vt) to abandon
    to throw away
    to fling away
  • (v5r,vt) (1) to let go
    to abandon
    to leave undone
    (2) to throw
    to toss
    to fling
  • (v5r,vt) (1) to let go
    to abandon
    to leave undone
    (2) to throw
    to toss
    to fling
  • (n,vs) abandonment
    abdication (responsibility, right)
  • (n,vs) abandoning
    giving up
  • (n) nageire (casual or nature-imitating style of Japanese floral arrangement)
  • (n) parabola
  • (n) nageire (casual or nature-imitating style of Japanese floral arrangement)