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Compounds of 捺

  • (n,vs) sealing (document)
  • (v5k,vt) (1) to prick
    to stab
    (2) to poke
    to prod
    to push
    to thrust
    to nudge
    to hit
    to strike
    (3) to use (a cane)
    to prop oneself up with
    to press against (the floor, etc.)
    (4) to attack
    (5) to brave (the rain, etc.)
  • (v5s,vt) (1) to stamp (i.e. a passport)
    to apply a seal
  • (n,vs) seal
  • (n,vs) print
  • (n) fingerprinting
  • (n) sign and seal
  • (n) transfer print