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Compounds of 捻る

  • (io) (v5r,vt) (1) (uk) to screw
    to twist
    (2) to distort
    to parody
    to make a pun
    (3) to torture
    to wrest
  • (v5r,vt) (1) to twist
    to wrench
    to turn (a switch on or off, etc.)
    to wring (a neck)
    (2) to puzzle over
    (3) to defeat easily
  • (exp,v5r) to cock one's head in puzzlement
    to tilt one's head in contemplation
    to wrack one's brain
    to think hard
  • (exp,v5r) to puzzle over
    to think deeply about
    to wrack one's brains over
  • (exp) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby)
    lit: as easy as twisting a baby's hand
  • (exp) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby)
    lit: as easy as twisting a baby's hand
  • (exp) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby)
    lit: as easy as twisting a baby's arm
  • (exp) exceptionally easy (like taking candy from a baby)
    lit: as easy as twisting a baby's arm