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Compounds of 烏帽子

  • (n) black-lacquered headgear (made of silk, cloth or paper) originally worn by court nobles in ancient Japan, and afterwards spreading to the common people
  • (n) goose barnacle
  • (n) (uk) turaco (any bird of family Musophagidae, esp. the Knysna turaco, Tauraco corythaix)
  • (n) adult name
  • (n) (1) red eboshi (headgear worn by Japanese men prior to and during the Edo period, which was ordinarily black in color)
    (2) metaphor for an odd item or having a taste for such an item
  • (n) soft, crumpled, unlacquered headwear (often worn by soldiers under their helmets from the Kamakura period onward)
  • (n) creased eboshi hat
  • (n) (uk) Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
  • (exp) (arch) Family members should fall into line with the head of the family even if his taste is a little odd, like wearing a red eboshi, which is ordinarily black