(adj-na,n,vs,adj-no) specific
(n) (comp) designator
(adj-na,n) unspecified
(n) (comp) identifier
(n) diseases specified by the Japanese government as being worrisome, having no known treatment and of unknown causes
(n) (comp) significant digit
(n) animals designated as dangerous by Japanese law
(n) (historical) designated speculative stocks
(n) (comp) specific task
(n) specific phobias
(n) special post office
(n,adj-no) unspecified large number (of people)
(n) introduced species (esp. invasive species as defined by law)
(n) corporate investment fund
(n) (comp) specific logical structure
(n) (Japanese) land registration system
(n,adj-no) (comp) machine-specific
(n) (comp) specific layout structure
(n) food for specified health uses (e.g. cholesterol reduction)
designated health food
(n) (comp) non-specific subordinate reference
(n) (comp) unspecified storage unit
(n) (comp) application-oriented language
(n) (comp) Application Specific Integrated Circuit
(n) (abbr) (obsc) Invasive Alien Species Act (2004)
(n) (comp) specific character data entity
(n) (comp) Application-Specific Integrated Circuit