(n) Shinto
(n) ancient Shinto (as practiced prior to the Introduction of Confucianism and Buddhism to Japan)
(n) Ise Shinto (school of Shinto established the Watarai family priests of Ise Jingu's Outer Shrine)
(n) (abbr) (obsc) Ichijitsu Shinto (alt. name for Hie Shinto: a form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)
(n) Yoshikawa Shinto (Confucianist form of Shinto, stripped of Buddhist influence)
(n) Yoshida Shinto (fusion of Shinto, Buddhism, Confucianism & Taoism stressing traditional Japanese elements)
(n) Sect Shinto
(n) Imperial Household Shinto
(n) State Shinto
(n) Shrine Shinto
(n) followers of Shintoism
(n) Shinto Taikyo (sect of Shinto)
(n) Suika Shinto (fusion of Shinto with Chinese elements, esp. neo-Confucianism)
Shidemasu Shinto
(n) Suika Shinto (fusion of Shinto with Chinese elements, esp. neo-Confucianism)
Shidemasu Shinto
(n) (obsc) Tendai Shinto (alt. name for Hie Shinto: a form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)
(n) (obsc) Hie Shinto (form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)
(n) Fukko Shinto
Restoration Shinto
Reform Shinto (prominent 18th century form of Shinto, based on the classics, and free from Confucian and Buddhist influences)
(n) Shinto-Buddhist amalgamation
dual-aspect Shinto
(n) five fundamental texts of Ise Shinto
(n) Shinto Shusei-ha (sect of Shinto)
(n) the thirteen sects of Sect Shinto (Fuso-kyo, Taisha-kyo, Jikko-kyo, Konko-kyo, Kurozumi-kyo, Misogi-kyo, Ontake-kyo, Shinri-kyo, Shinshu-kyo, Shinto Shusei-ha, Shinto Taikyo, Taisei-kyo, Tenri-kyo)
(n) Shinto Taiseikyo (sect of Shinto)
(n) Sannou Ichijitsu Shinto (alt. name for Hie Shinto: a form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)