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Compounds of 預け

  • (n) custody
  • (n) (obsc) incarcerating a criminal in a temple as a form of punishment (popular during the latter Muromachi and Azuchi-Momoyama periods)
  • (v1,vt) (1) to give into custody
    to leave (a child) in the care of
    to entrust
    to deposit
    (2) to lean on
    to put one's weight on
  • (n) key money
  • (n) depositor
  • (n) object left in a person's charge
  • (n) (baggage) checking
    temporary depositing
  • (v1,vt) to make a deposit
  • (exp) to have to wait (for the realization of something hoped for)
    to be forced to postpone
  • (v1) to leave everything to (someone)
  • (exp) to have to wait (for the realization of something hoped for)
    to be forced to postpone
  • (exp,v5u) to have to wait (for the realization of something hoped for)
    to be forced to postpone
  • (exp,v5u) to have to wait (for the realization of something hoped for)
    to be forced to postpone
  • (n) automatic teller machine