(n-adv) October
(n) (comp) decimal
(n,adj-no) the teens (10-19)
the tenth generation
(n) (1) the tenth day of the month
(2) ten days
(n) (1) 20 years old
(n) (1) twentieth (day of the month)
(2) twenty days
(n) 100 yen shop
(n) (comp) decimal
decimal digit
decimal number
(n) (comp) decimal
decimal notation
(n,vs) police emergency tel. no. (in Japan)
(n) twentieth century
(n) twentieth century
(n) 1000 yen
(n) 100 yen coin
(n) (comp) decade
(n) (comp) decimal arithmetic
(n) (comp) decimal radix
(n) (comp) decimal fraction
(n) 500 yen coin
(n) 20 degrees Celsius
(n) (comp) decimal operator
(n) (comp) decimal point
(n) (comp) coded decimal
(n) (comp) decimal to binary conversion
(exp) Y2K compliant
(n) Y2K bug
year 2000 problem
(n) (comp) binary coded decimal
(n) (comp) binary-coded decimal notation
(n) (comp) actual decimal point
(n) (comp) non-return-to-zero change-on-zeros recording