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かむ かむ
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
  • to blow (one's nose)
カム カムDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • cam
ガム ガムDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • chewing gum
噛む かむDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
transitive verb
  • to bite
  • to chew
  • to gnaw

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
transitive verb
  • to fumble or falter with one's words
咬む かむDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
transitive verb
  • to bite
  • to chew
  • to gnaw

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `mu' ending
transitive verb
  • to fumble or falter with one's words


  • 【形】biting 【自他動】chumble 【自動】nip 【他動】bite
  • chew
  • manducate
  • nip


  • Japanese 先ずは憧れの作家の文章の呼吸をつかむためにひたすら筆写、丸写しをする。
    English First, in order to get a feel for your favourite author's work, transcribe and copy in full.
  • Japanese 彼女の話しの確信をつかむ
    English I get her point.
  • Japanese 彼はどんな藁をもつかむだろう。
    English He'll clutch at any straw.
  • Japanese 彼はいま歯が痛むのでよくかむことができない。
  • Japanese 彼のほえるのはかむのよりひどい。
    English His bark is worse than his bite.
  • Japanese 彼のふるまいを見たらむかむかした。
    English I felt disgust at his behavior.
  • Japanese 朝起きた時むかむかします。
    English I feel sick when I get up in the morning.
  • Japanese 赤ん坊が食べ物をかむようになる。
    English A baby comes to chew foods.
  • Japanese 食べ物はよくかむほうがよい。
    English You might as well chew your food well.
  • Japanese 私たちは彼の言おうとする意味をつかむことができなかった。
    English We could not get at his meaning.
  • Japanese 砂をかむように味気ないね。
  • Japanese 窮鼠猫をかむ
    English A cornered rat will bite a cat.
  • Japanese 我々はたいていの犬はかむものだと考えがちである。
    English We are inclined to think that most dogs bite.
  • Japanese 雲をつかむような話。
    English What you are saying doesn't make sense.
  • Japanese 胃がむかむかする。
    English I'm afraid I have an upset stomach.
  • Japanese つめをかむ癖を止めなければ行けない。
    English You must get rid of the habit of biting your nails.
  • Japanese それは雲をつかむような話だ。
  • Japanese その神経質の少女はエンピツの端をかむ癖がある。
    English The nervous girl is in the habit of chewing the end of her pencil.
  • Japanese その悪臭にむかむかした。
    English The bad smell disgusted us.
  • Japanese そういう人々がチャンスをつかむのだ。
    English Such people get hold of a chance.

