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クリプトスポリジウム クリプトスポリジウム
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • Cryptosporidium


  • cryptosporidium《生物》



日本国内における猫のクリプトスポリジウム感染率が判明水質対策Cryptosporidium is readily transmitted in pool water, and it's resistant to chlorineクリプトスポリジウム(Cryptosporidium) 原虫類(胞子虫類)Oocistos de Cryptosporidium parvum liberando sporozoites - Imagem em Alta Resolução...Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst releasing sporozoitesWhat Temperature Kills Cryptosporidium?下痢迅速検査キット SC-0524-10クリプトスポリジウム排泄物イムノクロマトグラフィーHow Long Does It Take To Get Rid Of Cryptosporidium?Cryptosporidium Treatment NzWell-Being飲み水の安全を見つめるCryptosporidiumOccurrence and Molecular Characterization of Cryptosporidium spp. in Dairy Cattle and Dairy Buffalo in Yunnan Province, Southwest ChinaCryptosporidium Parvum Protozoa Positive In Human Stool Smear Royalty-Free Stock Image猫のクリプトスポリジウム症~症状・原因から予防・治療法までParasites - Cryptosporidium (also known as "Crypto")Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst, illustrationのイラスト素材photomicrograph, morphological details, cryptosporidium, parvum, oocystsProtists中野・高円寺の動物病院「ココニイル動物病院」│犬・猫・うさぎ・フェレットなどの診療水様性下痢の原因となる原虫の感染を抑える物質の発見                                 クリプトスポリジウム原虫の感染機構の解明と薬剤開発の端緒動物衛生研究部門histopathology, cryptosporidiosis, gallbladderCryptosporidium parvumクリプトスポリジウムによる集団感染CryptosporidiumCryptosporidium parvum“Chlorine is no panacea. I’ll still give you diarrhea! ”病理組織学的, ギニア, 豚の脾臓、実験、ブルセラ感染性KJZZCases Of Cryptosporidium On The Rise Says CDCクリプトスポリジウムによる集団感染SihveriousCryptosporidiosis WorkupTable titled: the eukaryote supergroups and some example species. There are 5 columns in the table: supergroup, subgroup, distinguishing features, examples and clinical notes. Supergroup Exacavata is divided into 3 subgroups: fornicate, parabasalids, euglenozoans. Fornicata have the following distinguishing features: form cysts, pair of equal nuclei, no mitochondria, often parasitic, four free flagella. An example is giardia lamblia which causes giardiasis. Parabasalids have the following distinguishing features: no mitochondria, four free flagella, one attached flagellum, no cysts, parasitic or symbiotic, basal bodies, kinetoplastids. An example is Trichomonas which causes trichomoniasis. Euglenozoans have the following distinguishing features: photosynthetic or heterotrophic, flagella. Examples include: Euglena which does not cause disease, Trypanosoma which causes African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease, Leishmanial which causes leishmaniasis. The supergroup Chromalveolata is divided into 4 subgroups: dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, ciliates, and oomyctes/peronosporomycetes. Dinoflagellates have the following distinguishing features: cellulose theca and two dissimilar flagella. Examples include Gonyaulax which causes red tides, Alexandrium which causes paralytic shellfish poisoning, and Pfiesteria which causes harmful algal blooms. Apicomplexans have the following distinguishing features: intracellular parasite and apical organelles. Examples include Plasmodium which causes malaria, Cryptosporidium which causes cryptosporidiosis, Theileria (Babesia) which causes babeiosis, and Toxoplasma which causes Tosoplasmosis. Ciliates have the characteristic of cilia. Examples include Balantidium which causes Balantidiasis. Paramecium and Stentor which do not cause diseas. Oomycetes / peronosporomycetes have the following distinguishing features: water molds, generally diploid, cellulose cell wall. An example is Phytophthora which causes diseases in crops.猫のクリプトスポリジウム症。症状と致死率、感染経路、治療方法や予防対策。免疫機能不全患者は注意動物衛生研究部門Cryptosporidium infection (Cryptosporidiosis)
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