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チャイブ チャイブ
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • chive (edible plant with flat leaves, Allium schoenoprasum)


  • chivee
  • chive《植物》〔ユリ科、多年草。葉は細く平ら。強い臭気。〕



葉も花も食べられる香りのよいチャイブ_c0366802_1032362.jpgWatercolour food illustration. Chives and chive flowers by Amanda Dilworth. Watercolor Herbs, Watercolor Flowers Paintings, Flower Painting, Watercolor Art, Watercolours, Plant Drawing, Flower Drawing, Bee Balm Plant, Chives Plant2020.03.06 マイクロハーブ(ロックチャイブ)chives in gardenControlling Chives: Tips On Ridding Lawns Of Chive PlantsPhoto of a line of Ridiculously Easy Cheddar Chive Biscuits on a slate surface.image 0 of Garlic Chives Herb Garden Seeds - 1 Oz - Non-GMO, Perennial Herbal Gardening & Microgreens Seed - Allium tuberosumチャイブ育てやすさ抜群のハーブ チャイブの育て方を解説チャイブ(Allium schoenoprasum)分類でソートゾーンでソートチャイブ_a0061057_19433131.jpgチャイブ(英語表記)Allium schoenoprasum; chiveガーデン用品屋さんの花図鑑 チャイブチャイブの花の写真チャイブの写真仙台ハーブ・アロマテラピー研究所Chive Charities is hiring a Community Manager Download theChive AppA bloomed chive plant with round purple flowers against a bright white background.Stir-fried Chive Budsチャイブチャイブの育て方|栽培のコツや種まきの時期と方法は?Chopped chivebowl of sour cream and chive dip on plate with potato chips next to green polka dot napkin.チャイブ(Chives)f:id:kinrenka_kinsenka:20190620192625j:plainハーブ・チャイブの花の写真チャイブはネギに代用できるハーブ?効能や使い方/レシピなど!チャイブの育て方と栽培方法!料理の使い方や食べ方・効能もご紹介!『チャイブの育て方』Chives: Nutritional Value, Health Benefits and Potential Side Effects                            Start your wellness journey today!50 Garlic Chinese Chive Seeds
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