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ファージ ファージ
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • phage


  • phage〔原核生物を宿主とするウイルスのこと〕



ファージBacteriophage (Enterobacteria phage T4) a virus that infects bacteria, against black background - stock photoPhage Photograph - Bacteriophage Virus by Coneyl JayPhage Display-Based Gene Delivery: A Viable Platform Technology for COVID-19 Vaccine Design and DevelopmentGenome Analysis of a Novel Broad Host Range Proteobacteria Phage Isolated from a Bioreactor Treating Industrial Wastewaterグルコファージ副作用Geoffrey Otim’s PostExploring the Secretomes of Microbes and Microbial Communities Using Filamentous Phage DisplayHyperphage M13 K07ΔpIII (1x2mL) by PROGEN病原微生物電子顕微鏡写真集 (ウイルス)T2ファージさんのユーザーページ科学ニュースの森                crePhage ConceptPhages and Their Role in Gastrointestinal Disease: Focus on Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseThe bacteriophage lytic cycle begins when the phage attaches via a slender stalk to the host cell. Linear DNA from the viral head is injected into the host cell. The phage DNA circularizes, remaining separate from the host DNA. The phage DNA replicates, and new phage proteins are made. New phage particles are assembled. The cell lyses, releasing the phage. The bacteriophage lysogenic cycle begins the same way as the lytic cycle, with phage infecting a host cell. However, the phage DNA becomes incorporated into the host genome. The cell divides, and phage DNA is passed on to daughter cells. Under stressful conditions, the phage DNA is excised from the bacterial chromosome and enters the lytic cycle.うみほしの星とカバのブログと霧箱放射線実験ファージファージEnterobacteria Phage T4 Photograph - Bacteriophage T4, Artwork by Russell KightleyBacteriophage t4 virus Stock Photos and Imagesうみほしの星とカバのブログと霧箱放射線実験Nobody Photograph - T4 Bacteriophage by Maurizio De Angelisプロテオグリカン・プロジェクト研究紹介所属エリアB(伊賀研究拠点):観察実験講座「ウイルス」が行われましたPhage T7 DNAPromoters/Catalog/PhageSpecial Issue "Biotechnological Applications of Phage and Phage-Derived Proteins"EditorialResearchReviewOtherIsolation and Characterization T4- and T7-Like Phages that Infect the Bacterial Plant Pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciensThe T7 Expression System【研究成果】簡便かつ鮮明にウイルスを観察できる新しい染色剤を開発Molecular MedicineReportsProfiling lethal factor interacting proteins from human stomach using T7 phage display screeningA Screening of a Library of T7 Phage-Displayed Peptide Identifies E2F-4 as an Etoposide-Binding ProteinT4ファージ「ファージライブラリによるペプチドリガンドのデザインにおける相互作用解析」コンピテントセルの基礎知識―10 の分子クローニング手法A Screening of a Library of T7 Phage-Displayed Peptide Identifies E2F-4 as an Etoposide-Binding Protein
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