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ブレーン ブレーン
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • brain
プレーン プレーンDictionary
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
  • plain

  • plane


  • brain truster
  • brain〔通例 brains◆ある集団の中で最も知力が優れ、計画を作ったり戦略を練ったりする役割の人。〕 【人名】Blaine〔男〕
  • Blane 【地名】Blaine〔米国〕
  • Blain〔米国〕


  • Japanese マイクはブレーンの一人だ。
    English Mike is one of our brains.



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                                                National Brain Bee ChallengeBaby bee brain scans are bad news for humansWelcome To My Brain — Oblivious Beomgyu endingWelcome To My BrainTXT MASTERLISTNews & Storiescdasantamaria.comcdasantamaria.com/wp-content/uploads/pdf/resolucion-corpocaldas.pdf · brain bee...Brain gamesBrain Bee Emission Analysers2013060116404020131117133422購入したモデルプレーンが不良品だった場合の対応。機体記号が塗装ムラで判別不能著者と話そう 新刊発売記念『マンガ超ひも理論をパパに習ってみた』(大阪大学出版会) 原作者、橋本 幸士先生による異次元講義!Nature's Branch Advanced Brain Booster+ Maximum Strength Supplement Capsules - 60 CountHow Vitamin D Protects Brain FunctionPublicação de James DurhamKurzweilTracking the acceleration of intelligence.website by SapphireUse his SkillPlacing a bee brain in your digital camera …New project aims to upload a honey bee's brain into a flying insectobot by 2015Bee Harming Pesticides Found in Honey!Researchers say that pesticides impair baby bee brain development雑誌『BRAIN(ブレーン)』にて、弊社の制作実績が紹介されましたIMU Wins Two Malaysia’s Healthiest Workplace Awards for the Second Time1200px-Logo_da_Olimpíada_Brasileira_de_Neurociências_-_Brazilian_Brain_Bee
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