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リガンド リガンド
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • ligand


  • ligand《化》〔錯体の中心金属の周囲に、配位結合している分子、イオン。◆【参考】complex(錯体); coordinate bond(配位結合)〕



Protein Ligand Interactionsイオンチャネルの種類 - イラスト素材...Product Catalog(±)-trans-1,2-Cyclohexanediamine-Based Bis(NHC) Ligand for Cu-Catalyzed Asymmetric Conjugate Addition Reaction【遊戯】痕喰竜ブリガンド【レア/融合】PHRA-JP031の通販ならカードラボ                                                                                【遊戯】痕喰竜ブリガンド【レア/融合】PHRA-JP031GIPR ProductsU1U創薬のウラ話Salen (ligand)proteİn-lİgand etkİleŞİmlerİ - · pdf fileproteİn-lİgand etkİleŞİmlerİ prof. dr....Regulation of the Functions of Natural Cytotoxicity Receptors by Interactions with Diverse Ligands and Alterations in Splice Variant Expression6寸半の貅(貔貅の雌)NEET Chemistry : Coordination Compoundstetrahedral complex including sigma and pi interactions from the ligandChapter 22: Metal Complexes研究課題 1タンパク質、リガンドの会合に伴う自由エネルギー計算法の開発浜理リガンド.JPGIn conversation with YPhos ligand pioneer, Viktoria GessnerNKp44-NKp44 Ligand Interactions in the Regulation of Natural Killer Cells and Other Innate Lymphoid Cells in HumansMetal–ligand bond strength determines the fate of organic ligands on the catalyst surface during the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction†8VEVwww.frontiersin.org研究成果の紹介細胞間情報伝達を担う受容体の働きとは                  	.st0{fill:#503291;}																																														                    	.st0{fill:#503291;}Role of PPAR Receptor and Ligands in the Pathogenesis and Therapy of Hematologic MalignanciesYRHGuest Molecules with Amino and Sulfhydryl Groups Enhance Photoluminescence by Reducing the Intermolecular Ligand-to-Metal Charge Transfer Process of Metal–Organic FrameworksSubstituted fullerenes as a promising capping ligand towards stabilization of exohedral Dy(III) based single-ion magnets: a theoretical study†Recombinant human Fas Ligand protein (Active) (ab168908) is not availableARG23167	anti-CD178 / Fas Ligand antibody [MFL4] (FITC)Fas Ligand/TNFSF6 Antibodies抗Fas Ligand抗体 | Anti-Fas Ligand Antibody我们已经不再供应Anti-Fas Ligand antibody (ab15285)Anti-Fas Ligand抗体(ab186671)CD178 (Fas Ligand) Monoclonal Antibody (MFL3), FITC, eBioscience™
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