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mercari beeant


平気 へいき
Word or expression in common usage
adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • coolness
  • calmness
  • composure
  • unconcern



  • Japanese 夜更かしなど平気だ。
    English Staying up late nights is nothing to me.
  • Japanese 平気だよ。
  • Japanese 彼は平気でこの企てを試みた。
    English No scruple held him back from making this attempt.
  • Japanese 彼は平気でうそをつく。
    English He has no scruples about lying.
  • Japanese 彼は病気など平気だと思っている。
    English He thinks nothing of his illness.
  • Japanese 彼は自分の思い通りにするためなら平気で人もあざむく。
    English He is not above deceiving others to get his way.
  • Japanese 彼が行ってしまおうといようと私は平気だ。
    English I don't care whether he leaves or stays.
  • Japanese 遅くまで音楽かけているけど、ご近所さんは平気
    English Is loud music OK with the neighbors at this hour?
  • Japanese 昔は、平気で昆虫触れたのに、今は、図鑑を見るだけでもだめ。
    English When I was a kid, touching bugs didn't bother me a bit. Now I can hardly stand looking at pictures of them.
  • Japanese 人が何を言おうと平気だ。
  • Japanese 私は彼女の袖を引っ張ったが、彼女は平気で話し続けた。
    English I pulled her by the sleeve, but she went on talking unconcernedly.
  • Japanese 私は注射器を見るまでは平気だった。
  • Japanese 最近駅の改札あたりで、平気でイチャイチャしてる若い奴等多くなったよなあ。
    English Lately you see more young couples making out at the train station ticket gates acting as though nobody in the world existed.
  • Japanese 危険などにひるまず、彼は平気でいる。
    English He remains calm in the face of danger.
  • Japanese 寒さは平気だが暑さには耐えられない。
    English I don't mind the cold, but I can't stand the heat.
  • Japanese こんなに暑いのに君は平気みたいだね。
    English This intense heat doesn't seem to bother you.
  • Japanese 1週間タバコをすわなくても平気ですか。
    English Can you do without smoking for a week?
  • Japanese 「足挫いてて歩けないだろ?」「いえっ、平気です!匍匐前進だったら進めます!」
    English "You've sprained your ankle and can't walk can you?" "No, I'm fine! I can move forward at a crawl!"
  • Japanese 彼女は自分の子供に平気で暴力を振るう。
    English She has no qualms about being violent towards her children.
  • Japanese 俺は今なら友だち0人でも平気かも。

