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押さえる おさえる
Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to pin something down
  • to hold something down
  • to hold something back
  • to stop
  • to restrain
  • to curb

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to seize
  • to grasp
  • to arrest

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to gain control of something
  • to govern
  • to keep down (e.g. information)
  • to suppress

Word or expression in common usage
Ichidan verb
transitive verb
  • to catch happening
  • to determine (important points)
  • to find (proof)
  • to understand


    • onyomiオウ
    • kunyomiお.すお.し-お.っ-お.さえるおさ.える
    • meaningpush; stop; check; subdue; attach; seize; weight; shove; press; seal; do in spite of


  • Japanese 低血糖症の人は、感情を押さえる力がないので、すぐに怖がったり怒ったりする。
    English People suffering from low level of blood sugar disorder, because they lack the power to suppress their emotions, get easily frightened and angry.

