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Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun, used as a suffix
  • style of
  • method of
  • manner of
  • school (of thought)
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • exile


    • onyomiリュウ
    • kunyomiなが.れるなが.れなが.す-なが.す
    • meaningcurrent; a sink; flow; forfeit


  • Japanese 飛行機が乱気に近付いていたため操縦士は乗客にシートベルトを締めるよう呼びかけた。
  • Japanese 産はとても辛い経験です。
    English Miscarriage is a heart-breaking experience.
  • Japanese よって通するマネーが減り、物価上昇は鎮静化する。
    English Thus money in circulation drops, and price escalation quietens down.
  • Japanese ページが読み込まれたら更新情報をページ内にし込む prototype.js
    English prototype.js - inserts update information into the page when the page is loaded.
  • Japanese ソレノイドへの突入電でノイズが発生します。
    English Noise is produced by the sudden flow of current into a solenoid.
  • Japanese こういうれになると結局、どんぐりの背比べになる。
    English Once things start going this way, in the end they'll all be much of a muchness.
  • Japanese 「あっそ」とすのもよし、本気にするのもよし。
    English You can let it slide with a "oh?" or you can take it seriously.
  • Japanese その瞳から一粒の涙が、れ落ちた。
    English A tear ran down from that eye.
  • Japanese すごいわね。できてまだ間もない会社なのに店舗も多いし、行ってるし。
    English Impressive isn't it. A company that's only just been established but it's already got many outlets and is in fashion.
  • Japanese 城からそのふもとをゆるやかに湾曲してれる川全体が見えました。
    English From the castle we could see the whole curve of the river around its base.
  • Japanese 両国間の文化交が進むにしたがって、相互理解も一段と深まっていった。
    English As cultural exchange continued between the two countries, their mutual understanding became even deeper.
  • Japaneseが流れる電線にコイルを近づけると、コイルにも電気が流れます。
    English When a coil is moved near to a wire with current flowing in it current flows in the coil as well.
  • Japanese マックで軽く昼食をとって、スタバでコーヒーを飲んで、しゃぶしゃぶをしながら飲み会というれだ。
    English A light lunch at MacD's, coffee at Starbucks, then a few drinks with shabu-shabu - that's the way it went.
  • Japanese 私はテキストを買ってますが、れてくる英文をテキスト見ずにまず書き出しています。
    English I buy the texts, but first I start writing the English sentences that come along without looking at them.
  • Japanese 「もう俺たちの邪魔をしないなら、今までのことは水にしてやってもいいけど?」「やけに寛大なんだな・・・」
    English "If you don't get in our way any more, I could see my way to letting bygones be bygones." "That's remarkably generous ..."
  • Japanese 玲子のオススメという本を、その場で軽くし読みしてみる。
    English I'll try giving the book "Reiko's Recommended" a quick skim read on the spot.
  • Japanese 大地震の発生から、応急対策の収束までの避難のれです。
    English The flow of evacuation events from occurrence of a large earthquake to the conclusion of emergency counter measures.
  • Japanese 牛乳のれを素早く止め、牛乳が固まるまで約30分間静置する。
    English Quickly stop the flow of milk, leave to stand for approximately 30 minutes for the milk to solidify.
  • Japaneseドラマブームに便乗して、韓国の製品を売る業者が増えた。
    English Taking advantage of the popular boom in Korean drama, workers selling Korean goods have increased.
  • Japanese もちろん冗談と思って彼は「あっそ」としていましたけどかなり嫌だったそうです。(ってゆうか冗談でもそんなこと言うな!)
    English Of course he thought it was a joke and let it slide with a "hm?" but he was seriously annoyed. I mean, just don't say things like that even as a joke!



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