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Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • bottom (or another side that is hidden from view)
  • undersurface
  • opposite side
  • reverse side

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • rear
  • back
  • behind (the house)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • lining
  • inside

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • out of sight
  • behind the scenes

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • proof

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • opposite (of a prediction, common sense, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • inverse (of a hypothesis, etc.)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • bottom (of an inning)
  • last half (of an inning)


  • background
  • bottom half《野球》
  • bottom of the inning《野球》
  • last half《野球》
  • reverse
  • second half《野球》


    • onyomi
    • kunyomiうら
    • meaningback; amidst; in; reverse; inside; palm; sole; rear; lining; wrong side


  • Japanese いわゆる方仕事もたくさんあります。
    English There's also a great deal of so called behind-the-scenes work.
  • Japanese 毎夕、放課後に僕たちは彼の家の庭で会って、インディアン戦争ごっこをした。
    English Every evening after school we met in his back garden and arranged Indian battles.
  • Japanese 難民がごみごみした町に住んでいました。
    English The refugees were living in a narrow, squalid backstreet.
  • Japanese ジブの帆とラダーを使って、バックしながら船首を進みたい方向に向けました。
    English Using the rudder and the jib with the wind behind it we backed up, turning the bow to the direction we wanted to go.
  • Japanese 靴のにガムがこびりついちゃった。
  • Japanese 大学出たての新人は資料を作ったり、コピーをとったりと方仕事に徹するのだろうと、勝手に想像していたのですが見事に裏切られました。
    English I had imagined that the newbies fresh from university would probably be stuck with all the backstage work - collecting reference material, getting copies and such but I couldn't have been proved more wrong.
  • Japanese には裏がある。
    English There are wheels within wheels.
  • Japanese 田中さんの特徴的な癖毛が耳ので跳ねている。
    English Mrs Tanaka's characteristic curly hair was sticking up behind her ear.
  • Japanese ものにはたいてい表とがある。
    English With most things there's both what you see and what's behind it.
  • Japanese 「見た目は悪くないがちょっと軽薄そう」な外見とは腹に、彼女はいないし、女性に手が早いワケでもない。
    English In contrast to his "not bad looks but seems a bit of a dandy" appearance, he didn't have a girlfriend and he wasn't particularly fast with the ladies.
  • Japanese 「ここまでは表向きの話なんです。キリカさんも知っていることですね」「ってことは、向きもあるんですか?」
    English "Up to this point has been the official story, which Kirika also knows." "By which you mean there is also an unofficial?"
  • Japanese 側の部屋に替えてください。
    English I'd like a room in the back.
  • Japanese 切り者は国を敵に売った。
    English The traitor betrayed his country to the enemy.
  • Japanese 切り者の素性を追ってみれば、その裏切り者が家族の厄介者だとわかるでしょう。
    English Tracing a renegade's family background, you'll find him the black sheep.
  • Japanese に何かあると思わずにはいられなかった。
    English I could not but suspect that there was something behind it.
  • Japanese から手を回してくれるよ。
    English He can pull strings for you.
  • Japanese 友達の信頼を決して切るな。
    English Never betray the trust of your friends.
  • Japanese 約束を切ってはいけない。
    English Don't go back on your promise.
  • Japanese 本当の友達なら君を切ったりしないだろう。
    English A true friend would not betray you.
  • Japanese 本当の紳士なら、友達を切ったりしないだろう。
    English A true gentleman would not betray his friends.



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