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ギヤ ギヤDictionary
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • gear


  • Japanese 「今週からプール開きね」「そっかー。じゃあ、水着買いに行かなきゃ
    English "It's pool-season from this week, isn't it?" "Oh yes. I've gotta go and buy a swimming suit, then."
  • Japanese 英語話者に通じなきゃ意味ないぞ。
    English That means nothing if English speakers don't understand it.
  • Japanese セッティングは整えておいたから、後はまーくんが根性見せなきゃダメだからね?
    English I've set the stage so now you just have to show some guts, OK?
  • Japanese だいたい何でこんな真夜中にジュース買う為にパシらされなきゃなんないんだか・・・。
    English Anyhow, just why is it that I have to be sent out in the middle of the night to buy a canned drink?
  • Japanese スケジュールがバッティングしなきゃ大丈夫です。
    English The schedule's fine as long as nothing clashes.
  • Japanese ウチも分煙しなきゃいけないよねぇ。
    English We'll also have to create a separate smoking section, won't we?
  • Japanese 旅に出たら地酒を飲まなきゃ
    English When you travel, you've got to try the local brew.
  • Japanese 踊り子達は白いドレスを着てきゃしゃに見えますが、実際には彼女たちは馬のように力強いのです。
    English The dancers look delicate in their white dresses, but they are really as strong as horses.
  • Japanese 予防接種を受けていかなきゃいけない。
    English I've got to get some shots.
  • Japanese 毎年ここに来なきゃ
    English I'll have to come here every year.
  • Japanese 魔王は言った。「俺が負けるわっきゃねーべ。審判は皆地獄にいるのだ」。
    English "How can I lose?" answered Satan. "All the umpires are down here in Hell."
  • Japanese 本当の所を読みとらなきゃ
    English Read between the lines.
  • Japanese 彼女を家まで送らなきゃ
    English You've got to see her home.
  • Japanese 彼の手紙に返事をださなきゃ
    English I have to answer his letter.
  • Japanese 追試を受けなきゃならない。
    English I've got to take a make-up test.
  • Japanese 知らない内に癖ってでちゃうもんだね。気をつけなきゃ
    English I have these little habits that show themselves when I least expect it, so I have to watch myself.
  • Japanese 大量の文書を入力しなきゃならない。
    English I have to type in a really big document.
  • Japanese 人目をひく記事にするために、やっぱり冒頭にパンチのきいた一言をいれなきゃ。考えていることを、ダイレクトに伝えてください。
    English If you want to do eye-grabbing work you have to put out something punchy at the outset. Say what you mean directly.
  • Japanese 少し眠らなきゃ
    English I've got to catch some Z's.
  • Japanese 宿題を終わらせなきゃならないんだ。
    English I must get my homework finished.



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