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ウェルニッケ領 ウェルニッケりょう
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • Wernicke's area




Biografia Karl WernickeBiografia Karl Wernickeブローカ野・ウェルニッケ野Portraits of Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke who made significant discoveries in the late 1800's for specific areas of the brain that are responsible for speech production (Broca's Area) and speech comprehension (Wernicke's Area) #neuropsychology #cognition #speech #psychology Wernicke's Area, Learn Something New Everyday, Cognitive, Comprehension, Discovery, Speech, Psychology, Interactive, DevelopmentNeurocias y  educacion        Neurocias y  educacion旅’s BlogItem no longer available        Search for new, used and rare booksf:id:therapilasis:20180830093044p:plainMai im JuliAlles schickFotowalks/FotoworkshopsLitchtheim."In aller Freundschaft": Roland Heilmann in Autounfall verwickelt!Meine PreiseSelect a default languageADHDの脳で何が起こっているか〈前頭前野について〉認知症になると理性はなくなるのかウェルニッケ野と言語理解能力ブローカ野とウェルニッケ野:違いと機能クラシックばっか 時空間カルル・ライネッケ「フルート協奏曲」ニ長調 作品283Drill bit and Wernicke area: differences and functionsPaul BrocaJochen S. FrankenHistoria de la psicofisiologia           Joseph Gall, ( siglo XIX)                  Paul Broca                  Karl Wernicke                   Litchthein                  Ombredane                  Luria                    Bustamante, 1978                  Luria 1973, 1958, 1979                  Dejerine, 1980; Finger, 1994; Geschwind, 1970                  Kertesz, 1983                  Geschwind y Galaburda                   Lezak                   Clarke, 1975; Kandel, 1997; Hebb 1958                  Miller y Cummings 1998Mai Duong Kieu spielt Dr. „Lilly“ Phanschnick schnack dudelsack von ruth kraft (24 Ergebnisse)Das BusinessportraitDas BusinessportraitPERIODO CLÁSICO (1861 – 1945)Sven RiemannSven Riemann未来へのなりたい自分に光をあてて、進む道を一緒に探しましょう。夢も希望も不安も悩みも芹沢流算命学がお手伝い!ヴェルナー・カール・ハイゼンベルクの言葉。Portrait, Brustbild, Photographie, Lichtdruck.ミュンヘン、ノイエ・ピナコテークで印象派の絵画を鑑賞〚Neue Pinakothek〛Fotowalks/FotoworkshopsAspectos históricos de la neuropsicologia          Siglo XIX Joseph Gall                  Paul Broca                  Karl Wernicke                  Ombredane                  Luria                   Geschwind                   Luria El cerebro funcional                  Bustamante (Neuroanatomia funcional)                  Luria                  Kertesz                  Geschwind y Galaburda                  Betancurt                  Lezak                  Miller y Cummings失語の分類についての娘的予測ウェルニッケ脳症とは?症状や診断などこれを読めば分かる!Wernicke
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