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使う つかう
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `u' ending
transitive verb
  • to use (a thing, method, etc.)
  • to make use of
  • to put to use

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `u' ending
transitive verb
  • to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.)
  • to employ
  • to handle
  • to manage
  • to manipulate

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `u' ending
transitive verb
  • to use (time, money, etc.)
  • to spend
  • to consume

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `u' ending
transitive verb
  • to use (language)
  • to speak

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `u' ending
transitive verb
  • to take (one's lunch)
  • to circulate (bad money)


  • put in 【他動】use


  • 使
    • onyomi
    • kunyomiつか.うつか.い-つか.い-づか.い
    • meaninguse; send on a mission; order; messenger; envoy; ambassador; cause


  • Japanese あぁいらいらする・・・今やパソコンを使うたびに頭痛がするよ。
  • Japanese アジア諸国などから出稼ぎにきた外国人をメイドとして使うのが常識のようになっている。
    English It has become common practise to employ foreigners working abroad from Asian countries as maids.
  • Japanese テクトロニクスの新ソフトウェアは、ロジック・アナライザを使う顧客のニーズにまさしく応えるものです。
    English Tektronix's new software perfectly responds to the needs of customers using logic analysers.
  • Japanese 良い医者は患者に説明する時、人体模型を使うなどして、わかりやすく説明してくれる。
    English Good doctors explain things to patients in easily understandable ways, using anatomical models and such.
  • Japanese ああそうそう、コメント欄のバグは文字間を調節するletter-spacingタグを使うと起こるものだったみたい。
    English Oh, while I remember, it seems that that was a bug that occurs when you use the comment field's 'letter-spacing' tag which adjusts the tracking.
  • Japanese ら抜き言葉って知っている?けっこう間違った言葉を使う生徒が多いみたい。
    English You know about 'ra-skipped words'? It looks like quite a lot of students are using mistaken words.
  • Japanese 魔力(Magic):魔法を使うために必要な能力値。 魔法を使うと減少するが、時間で回復する。
    English MP (magic): Ability score needed to use magic. As you use magic it drops, but with time it recovers.
  • Japanese どうです?似合っていますか?ここいらで使う使用人の服なんですよ。
    English What do you think? Does it suit me? It's what servants wear around here.
  • Japanese 肌がヒリつくどころか、使う前より肌が安定してるんです。
    English Far from irritating my skin it was better than before I used it.
  • Japanese 生徒会で使うらしくて、プリント綴じるのを少し手伝っていました。
    English I helped a little binding printouts that the student council will apparently use.
  • Japanese 四種類の金属を使うことで特定の共振を抑えます。
    English By using four types of metal, specific frequency resonance is suppressed.
  • Japanese こーゆーのは、買うのが楽しいのよ。使うか使わないかなんてのは、二の次なんだって。
    English This sort of thing, it's buying stuff that's fun. Whether you use it or not is secondary.
  • Japanese あの赤い布は「袱紗」茶道具を清めるために使う必需品なの。
    English That red cloth is a "fukusa"; it is a vital tool used to cleanse the tea equipment.
  • Japanese 『いい人』とは、女の子が恋愛対象にならない男を表す時に使う言葉だ。
    English "Nice person," that's the word girls used to call men to indicate that they aren't possible objects of romantic interest.
  • Japanese 「好色と倒錯の違いとは?」「好色なら羽を使うが、倒錯なら鶏をまるごと使う」
    English "What's the difference between erotic and kinky?" "Erotic is when you use a feather and kinky is when you use a whole chicken."
  • Japanese 「そっか。暇なら掃除しといて。」「なんだそれ。兄貴をアゴで使うなよ。」
    English "Oh? If you're free get the cleaning done." "What's up with that? Don't order your brother around!"
  • Japanese 列車で旅をする人もいれば、車を使う人もいた。
    English Some people traveled by train, and others by road.
  • Japanese 由美は明日の午後このカメラを使うでしょう。
    English Yumi will use this camera tomorrow afternoon.
  • Japanese 本物の皮を使う方が結局は安くつくだろう。
    English It'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather.
  • Japanese 墨を染料として使うと面白い模様ができます。
    English India ink produces an interesting pattern when used as a dye.



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