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Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • official
  • duty
  • person in charge


  • section


    • onyomiケイ
    • kunyomiかか.るかかり-がかりかか.わる
    • meaningperson in charge; connection; duty; concern oneself


  • Japanese 虫歯を侮ると命にわる場合もあるのです。
    English Making light of cavities can be a matter of life and death.
  • Japanese 無関の人を殺るな!
    English Don't kill off bystanders!
  • Japanese 母ちゃんも同じ事いってたな。だからどうしたってんだよ。オレにゃ関ない。
    English Mum said the same thing. But, so what? It's got nothing to do with me.
  • Japanese 犯人だと思っていた男は事件とは何の関もなかった。
    English The man I thought was the criminal didn't have any connection to the incident.
  • Japanese そのため、要介護認定の結果は介護サービスの量と関している必要があります。
    English For that reason the outcome of the primary nursing care requirement authorization has to relate to the amount of nursing care required.
  • Japanese 登場する人物、団体および地名は実在するものと一切関ありません。
    English There is no relation between characters appearing, organisations and places to those that really exist.
  • Japanese フロイトは、親子間の愛憎関をエディプス・コンプレックスとして展開しました。
    English Freud developed the love-hate relationship between parents and child as the Oedipus complex.
  • Japanese 男女関なく、行くべきでしょうね。
    English They should go, regardless of whether they're men or women.
  • Japanese 当面の問題には関ないかもしれません。
    English This might not have anything to do with the problem at hand.
  • Japanese しかしながら、前置詞+関代名詞whichの部分が関係副詞whereとなっています。
    English However, the preposition+relative pronoun (which) part becomes a relative adverb (where).
  • Japanese代名詞は「接続詞+代名詞」のはたらきをしています。
    English Relative pronouns perform as 'conjunction + pronoun'.
  • Japanese 俺は関無い、イコール、いなくていい。だから、ここから出ていく何と言われようとも!
    English It's nothing to do with me, equals, I don't have to be here. So I'm getting out of here, whatever anybody says!
  • Japanese 引用した問題ではありませんが、関代名詞と関係副詞の使い分けを問う問題がリーディングセクションにはあります。
    English The problem quoted isn't one, but there are problems in the reading section that ask you to distinguish relative pronouns from relative adverbs.
  • Japanese そのことは、各研究分担者とこのテーマとの関を瞥見すれば、おのずから明らかとなる。
    English That fact becomes self evident if you take a look at the relation between this theme and those leading research on it.
  • Japanese代名詞のthatは、主格、目的格の2つであり、所有格はありません。
    English The relative pronoun 'that' has two states, a nominative case and objective case, but there is no possessive case.
  • Japanese 中学生が英語を学ぶ際の最難関の一つが関代名詞です。
    English One of the greatest hurdles facing middle school students learning English is relative pronouns.
  • Japanese アフィ狙いの釣り記事ですね。英語関のコミュのあちこちにマルチポストしています。
    English It's a troll trying for click-throughs. It's being multiposted in English-related communities all over the place.
  • Japanese ヒントの ***** の数と語の中の字数とは関がありません。
    English The number of *****s in the hint has no relation to the number of characters in the word.
  • Japanese 「恵子の男関が知りたいかな」「男関係?」「誰と仲が良いとか、誰とつきあったとか」
    English "I might like to know about your relations with men." "Relations with men?" "Things like who you get on well with, who you've dated and such."
  • Japanese そうじゃない。性差別やら女性蔑視やら、そういうものとは関なく、男と女は違うんだ。
    English That's not what I meant. I'm not being sexist. Men and women are just different.



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