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動く うごく
Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to move
  • to stir
  • to shift
  • to shake
  • to swing

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to operate
  • to run
  • to go
  • to work

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be touched
  • to be influenced

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to change
  • to vary
  • to fluctuate
  • to waver

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • certain
  • factual

Word or expression in common usage
Godan verb with `ku' ending
intransitive verb
  • to be transferred


  • 【形】movable
  • moving 【自他動】motorvate 【自動】move
  • range
  • tick
  • travel



  • Japanese 肩関節は、単独で動くほか、腕の動きにも連動して動きます。
    English The shoulder joints, as well as moving on their own, also move in conjunction with arm movements.
  • Japanese 路面電車は電気で動く
    English Streetcars run on electricity.
  • Japanese 彼は動く事ができなかった。
    English He was unable to move.
  • Japanese 彼は動くことができず、助けを大声で求めねばなりませんでした。
    English He couldn't move and had to call for help.
  • Japanese 爆弾が落ちたとき、私は家が前後に揺れ動くのを感じた。
    English When the bomb was dropped, I felt the house rock back and forth.
  • Japanese 動物はでたらめに動くように見える。
    English Animals seem to move at random.
  • Japanese 動くな撃つぞ。
  • Japanese 鳥類の発声において真に驚異的な点は、鳴管の2つの側面が独立して動くことができるということである。
    English The truly remarkable feature of sound production by birds is that the two sides of the syrinx can act independently.
  • Japanese 注意して見ていると、その単語を発音するとき私の唇がどう動くかが見えますよ。
    English Watch carefully and you can see how my lips move in pronouncing the word.
  • Japanese 太陽電池で動く自動車を望んでいる。
    English I hope for a solar battery car.
  • Japanese 操り人形はワイヤーで動く
    English Puppets work with wires.
  • Japanese 人々はもっともっと早く動くようになりました。
    English People were moving faster and faster.
  • Japanese 心が動くね。
    English That sounds very tempting.
  • Japanese 私は空に不思議な動く物体を見た。
    English I saw a strange moving object in the sky.
  • Japanese 私は家の中で何かが動くのを感じた。
    English I felt something move in the house.
  • Japanese 君ここを動くんじゃないぞ。
    English Don't you move from here.
  • Japanese 何とかがんばって、このプログラムがうまく動くようにしたい。
    English You should struggle so hard to make this program work.
  • Japanese ライト兄弟はエンジンで動く飛行機を飛ばすことに成功した。
  • Japanese まだ動くうちに売ってしまわなきゃ。
    English I should sell it while it still runs.
  • Japanese ほとんどのエレベーターは自動で動く
    English Most elevators operate automatically.



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