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多い おおい
Word or expression in common usage
adjective (keiyoushi)
  • many
  • numerous


  • 【形】abounding
  • frequent
  • great
  • large
  • much
  • plenteous〈文〉 【自動】abound



  • Japanese 日本には美しい都市が多い。例えば京都、奈良だ。
  • Japanese 日本ではリング状のものが早くから普及したため「避妊リング」と呼ばれることも多い
    English In Japan the ring shaped ones came into use first so they're also often called "contraceptive rings".
  • Japanese 英日の翻訳と日英の翻訳では、英日の翻訳を希望する人のほうが多いようです。
    English Between E->J translations and J->E, it appears that more people want English-Japanese translations.
  • Japanese 占星学は科学的な根拠もないのに、とても人気があって、占星学は信じている人が多いようです。
    English Although astrology has no scientific basis, it's very popular and it seems that many people believe in it.
  • Japanese 特定の企業を賞賛する書き込みや、逆にライバル企業を貶める書き込みが多い2ch。
    English 2ch, where there are many posts praising specific companies, or, conversely, denigrating their rivals.
  • Japanese 私もそうだが、IT業界には宵っ張りの人が多いに違いない。
    English I'm one too, and I'm sure there are lots of night-owls in the IT world.
  • Japanese シューズ・・スパイクのあるものを禁止しているコースが多いので気をつけましょう。
    English Shoes ... many courses ban shoes with spikes, so take care.
  • Japanese コンパクト型にはおしゃれなデザインが多いですね。
    English There are many smart designs among the compact models, aren't there?
  • Japanese 私はなぜか、ルックスに関わらず三枚目の人を好きになることが多いんです。
    English I often find myself falling for jokers, regardless of their looks.
  • Japanese needless to sayは不定詞の慣用表現として紹介されることが多いです。
    English 'needless to say' is often introduced as an idiomatic expression in the infinitive.
  • Japanese すごいわね。できてまだ間もない会社なのに店舗も多いし、流行ってるし。
    English Impressive isn't it. A company that's only just been established but it's already got many outlets and is in fashion.
  • Japanese アメリカは世界の1/4の二酸化炭素を排出しており、一人当たりの排出量も世界で最も多いのです。
    English 1/4 of the world's carbon dioxide emissions are from America: its per-capita emissions are also the greatest in the world.
  • Japanese 動詞helpはto不定詞・原形不定詞の両方をとりますが、くだけた文体では原形不定詞が多いとされており、この例文でもそれが使われています。
    English The verb 'help' takes to-infinitives and bare infinitives but bare infinitives are said to be the most common in casual text; as also used in this example sentence.
  • Japanese 最近、タチの悪い詐欺事件が多いわね。
    English Recently there have been a lot of nasty incidents with fraud.
  • Japanese 最近、目上の人に敬語を使わない若者が多い
    English Recently there are a lot of young people who don't use respectful language to their superiors.
  • Japanese ら抜き言葉って知っている?けっこう間違った言葉を使う生徒が多いみたい。
    English You know about 'ra-skipped words'? It looks like quite a lot of students are using mistaken words.
  • Japanese 国文法の現在形はこれからのことを示す用法が多い
    English There are many uses of the 'present tense' of Japanese grammar which indicate things yet to happen.
  • Japanese 収量が多いからといって尊いとは思わないが、ドカンと発生していると、毒菌でもうれしいもんだ。
    English I don't think that they are valuable just because they have a large crop, but I'm glad when they sprout in great numbers - even when they are poison mushrooms.
  • Japanese 日本では心臓病を患う人が多いようですが、リビアでも心筋梗塞になる人が最近とても増えています。
    English Many people suffer from heart disease in Japan, but in Libya those having heart attacks have also increased a lot recently.
  • Japanese 実は、have 目的語 doneは使役じゃない場合が多い
    English Actually, there are many cases where 'have [object] done' is not causative.



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