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Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • section of village
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • Chinese courtesy name (name formerly given to adult Chinese men, used in place of their given name in formal situations)

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • nickname

noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • section of a village
Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • character (i.e. kanji)

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • hand-writing
  • penmanship

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • the ... word (i.e. "the L word" = "love")


    • onyomi
    • kunyomiあざあざな-な
    • meaningcharacter; letter; word; section of village


  • Japanese・誤訳のご指摘等は下記メールアドレスよりお寄せください。
    English Please send reports of mistypings and mistranslations to the email address below.
  • Japanese 第二に、当時のヨーロッパの識率が低かったことだ。
    English Secondly, the literacy rate in Europe of that time was low.
  • Japanese メッセージがなぜか文化けしていたので、修復して読みました。
    English For some reason the message text was corrupted, so I restored it before reading.
  • Japanese ここでは、文やパスのアウトラインの作成について説明します。
    English Here we explain about creating outlines of characters and paths.
  • Japaneseを大きくし、文字間や行間に余裕をもたせ、高齢者の方や、視力に障害のある方が読み易いように注意しました。
    English I took care to make the letters large and be generous with character and line spacing in order for it to be easy to read for the elderly and those who have problems with their sight.
  • Japanese ああそうそう、コメント欄のバグは文間を調節するletter-spacingタグを使うと起こるものだったみたい。
    English Oh, while I remember, it seems that that was a bug that occurs when you use the comment field's 'letter-spacing' tag which adjusts the tracking.
  • Japanese へー、キーボード見ないで文打てるんだ。スゴイわねー。
    English Oh? You can type without looking at the keyboard. That's cool!
  • Japanese 多くの言語で辞書形の語尾が決まっており、日本語ではう段の文で終わる。
    English In many languages the way dictionary-form words end is fixed; in Japanese they end in a 'u row' character.
  • Japanese 今週、3日連続でカーアクションものの外国映画を幕で見た。
    English This week I've watched foreign car-action movies with subtitles for three days in a row.
  • Japanese ヒントの ***** の数と語の中の数とは関係がありません。
    English The number of *****s in the hint has no relation to the number of characters in the word.
  • Japanese 回答にはアンカーを必ずつけて下さい。半角で ">>"+数(例: >>1)です。
    English Please ensure you always include a link-back in your replies. ">>" in plain ASCII + number (e.g. >>1).
  • Japanese 「あなたはたしか・・・えーと、えーと・・・も」「頭文から間違っとるわい!!」
    English "Let's see, you're ... er, um ... M-" "You're wrong from the first letter!!"
  • Japanese ・テキストデータの誤脱字を修正。
    English ・ Corrected mistaken/missing characters in the text data.
  • Japaneseキーを上へ!するとBGMが変わり、背景は魔王の居城へ・・・。
    English Hit up on the D-pad, and the background music will change as the background itself becomes the Demon King's castle....
  • Japanese 文を書くときには、ふつう大文で始め、ピリオド(.)、または感嘆符(!)、疑問符(?)、で終わる。
    English When writing a sentence, generally you start with a capital letter and finish with a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or a question mark (?).
  • Japanese 同一差出人から同一受取人に宛てて郵袋という、文通り袋に印刷物を入れて郵送します。
    English A mailbag from a single sender addressed to one recipient, as the name suggests, is for delivering a bag of printed matter.
  • Japanese 少しの間だけでも一緒に戦ってくれるだけで御のよ。
    English Even if it's just for a short while fighting alongside us is all I could ask for.
  • Japanese 今日は漢の書き取りがある。
    English We have a kanji dictation test today.
  • Japaneseを書くときは点やはらいに気をつけて、なるべく早くていねいに書きましょう。
    English When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible.
  • Japanese 横着しないで、教わった漢を使いなさい。
    English Don't be lazy, use the kanji you've been taught.



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