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昼間 ちゅうかん
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)
noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)
  • daytime
  • during the day
昼間 ひるま
Word or expression in common usage
adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)
noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)
  • daytime
  • during the day


  • daytime
  • diurnal period
  • during daylight



  • Japanese 典型的なベッドタウンで、昼間においても人通りが少ない。
    English It's a classic commuter town, even during the day there are few people around.
  • Japanese 昼間でも連絡がつく電話番号をご記入下さい。
    English Please enter a telephone number where you can be contacted during the day, too.
  • Japanese 彼らは昼間だけ働きます。
    English They work only during the day.
  • Japanese 彼は夜働いて昼間は眠った。
    English He worked at night and slept in the daytime.
  • Japanese 彼は昼間の仕事のほかに、毎晩定時制高校に通っている。
    English He goes to a part-time high school every evening in addition to the work he does during the day.
  • Japanese 彼は真っ昼間に車を盗まれた。
    English He had his car stolen in broad daylight.
  • Japanese 彼が目を覚ました時は昼間だった。
    English When he awoke it was day.
  • Japanese 日本では昼間でも夜でもタクシーを拾うことができる。
    English In Japan you can always catch a cab, day or night.
  • Japanese 冬が近づくにつれて昼間は短くなる。
    English The days grow shorter as winter approaches.
  • Japanese 昼間寝て夜働く人もいる。
    English There are some people who sleep in the daytime and work at night.
  • Japanese 昼間は太陽が夜は月がひかりを与えてくれる。
    English The sun gives light by day, and the moon by night.
  • Japanese 昼間は太陽が、そして夜は月が光を与えてくれる。
    English The sun gives light by day, and the moon by night.
  • Japanese 昼間は祖母が子供の面倒を見てくれます。
    English Grandmother looks after the children during the day.
  • Japanese 昼間は星は見えない。
    English No stars are to be seen in the daytime.
  • Japanese 昼間のツアーはありますか。
    English Do you offer any day tours?
  • Japanese 昼間、友人が私に会いに来た。
  • Japanese 太陽は昼間輝く。
    English The sun shines during the day.
  • Japanese 星は昼間見られません。
    English Stars cannot be seen in the daytime.
  • Japanese フクロウは昼間寝ていて夜間活動する。
    English An owl sleeps by day and hunts by night.
  • Japanese フクロウは昼間は目が見えない。
    English Owls cannot see in the daytime.



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