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Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • plum
  • Japanese apricot
  • prunus mume

Word or expression in common usage
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
  • lowest (of a three-tier ranking system)


  • Japanese apricot《植物》
  • Japanese plum



  • Japanese 雨時でもないんだから、傘は要らないんじゃない。
    English Since it's not the rainy season, there's no need for an umbrella.
  • Japanese 雨時は雨降りが多くて外出の計画が立てにくい。
    English It rains so often in the wet season that it's hard to plan outings.
  • Japanese 雨の晴れ間に洗濯物を干すと気分はもう夏でした。
    English Drying the washing on a fine day in the rainy season; I felt like it was already summer.
  • Japanese 毒は性行為を通じて感染する病気です。
    English Syphilis is an infection that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.
  • Japanese うっとうしい雨期に、すっきりしない話で恐縮ですが、少しの間お付き合いください。
    English I'm ashamed to tell such a muddled story in this dreary, rainy season, but please bear with me for a while.
  • Japanese 明日から雨前線が活発になります。
    English The seasonal rain front is moving in tomorrow.
  • Japanese 万一明日雨に入ったらどうしよう。
    English What if the rainy season should set in tomorrow.
  • Japanese 村先生が英語を教えてくださる。
    English Mr Umemura teaches us English.
  • Japanese 雨入りは来週以降になりそうだ。
    English It looks like the rainy season is going to start after next week.
  • Japanese 雨らしく空はどんよりしている。
    English The sky is gloomy and gray - a typical rainy-season sky.
  • Japanese 雨は六月の終わり頃に始まる。
    English The rainy season sets in about the end of June.
  • Japanese 雨はいつ明けるの。
    English When will the rainy season be over?
  • Japanese 雨はいつ終わるのかしら。
    English I wonder when the rainy season will end.
  • Japanese 雨に入りましたね。
    English The rainy season has set in.
  • Japanese 雨に入ってしまったね。
    English The rainy season has set in.
  • Japanese 雨に入った。
    English The rainy season has set in.
  • Japanese 雨です。
    English It is our rainy season.
  • Japanese 雨が始まった。
    English The rainy season has set in.
  • Japanese の花は今週が見所です。
    English The plum blossoms are at their best this week.
  • Japanese の花は3月にさく。
    English Plum blossoms come out in March.



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