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    • onyomi
    • kunyomiおさ.めるおさ.まるなお.るなお.す
    • meaningreign; be at peace; calm down; subdue; quell; govt; cure; heal; rule; conserve


  • Japanese こんな歌を残している明天皇の一面を知っている日本人は少ないのではないだろうか。
    English I think there are probably few Japanese who know this side of the Emperor Meiji, the side that left a song like this.
  • Japanese 飼鳥の医学―病気の診断とその療。
    English Avian medicine - diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.
  • Japanese お宮参りで訪れた大西幸さん(40)、由希恵さん(34)夫妻は「子どもが健やかに育つことを祈りました」と話していた。
    English The couple who came on a shrine visit, Kouji Oonishi (40) and his wife Yukie (34) said, "We prayed that our child would grow up healthily."
  • Japanese 『カムイの剣』は、1868年の徳川将軍時代の崩壊と、明天皇下での日本の復興という変革期を舞台にした、一種の侍/忍者物語だ。
    English Kamui no Ken was a sort of samurai/ninja story set during the transition of the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and the re-establishment of Japan under the Emperor Meiji in 1868.
  • Japanese 指導部の交代は、国際政経済に重要な影響を与える。
    English Changes of leadership have a great effect on the international political economy.
  • Japanese 家名を嵯峨と改姓したのは明3年でした。
    English It was the third year of Meiji when their family name was changed to Saga.
  • Japanese 早く原因を見つけて、スランプをして谷崎主任の期待にこたえないと。
    English I've got to find the cause quickly, get out of this slump and live up to Mr. Tanizaki's expectations.
  • Japanese 風邪を人に移すとるって本当?
    English Is it true that you recover from colds when you give them to someone else?
  • Japanese 王を得た麒麟もまた寿命を持たない生き物だが、この病ばかりは癒の方法がない。
    English A qilin with a king too has no limit on its lifespan, but this illness alone admits of no remedy.
  • Japanese けがを療してもらったトラは、村人たちの手で無事、保護区に帰された。
    English The tiger, having had its wounds treated, was returned by the villagers to the animal sanctuary without incident.
  • Japanese 彼女は抗生物質貰って寝てりゃるだろ。
    English If she gets some antibiotics and sleeps, she'll get better.
  • Japanese 田中前外相の更迭に続く政混乱がその象徴である。
    English The dismissal of foreign minister Tanaka is symbolic of the continuing political turmoil.
  • Japanese学とは何か。「セイジ」から、人々は、まず、ジャーナリズムを賑わす政治的事件を連想するでしょう。
    English What is political science? From the "political," people will probably first associate it with the political incidents that enliven journalism.
  • Japanese 今はフレッドの錯乱がまって静かに眠っています。
    English Fred's agitation has now subsided, and he's sleeping peacefully.
  • Japanese 国会の動きはこの問題をめぐる与野党間の政的綱引きとなった。
    English Parliamentary activity has become a political tug of war between the ruling and opposition parties over the issue.
  • Japanese 現代の日本で錬金術といえば、比喩的にしか使われない。モラルや羞恥心と無縁の政屋や宗教家が、不正な手段でカネもうけをするときに。
    English In present day Japan, "alchemy" is only used metaphorically; to refer to improper means of making money by politicians or religious hucksters with no morals or shame.
  • Japanese 革命政府は、民衆から兵をつのって防戦するとともに、共和政を確立して、捕らえていたルイ16世を処刑しました。
    English The revolutionary government, while raising troops from the masses and fighting a defensive battle, established a republic and executed Louis XVI.
  • Japanese 各国の政家がホワイトハウス詣でをした。
    English Politicians from many countries made pilgrimages to the White House.
  • Japanese ホワイトニングなどの療を行います。 ヤニ取りなどのクリーニングも行っています。
    English We carry out treatments like whitening. We also do tobacco stain removal and other cleaning procedures.
  • Japanese しかも初陣があのドラゴン退
    English What's more, our first battle is to defeat that dragon!



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