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    • onyomiケイ
    • kunyomiつ.ぐまま-
    • meaninginherit; succeed; continue; patch; graft (tree)


  • Japanese 事業を続しながら、事業が依拠している不動産を切り売りしていくことなど非現実的なのだ。
    English It's ludicrous to continue business operations while selling off bit by bit the land on which your business depends.
  • Japanese 管理人体調不良、モチの低下等により続は不可能と判断しました。
    English Due to ill-health of the web-manager, loss of motivation and other circumstances I have decided that it is not possible to continue.
  • Japanese 48歳の川勝良一監督はことし6月に福岡を引きいだが、46歳の松田監督とは因縁浅からぬ関係だ。
    English The 48-year-old Ryouichi Kawakatsu took over as coach at Fukuoka in June this year, but his fate is closely linked with that of 46-year-old Matsuda.
  • Japanese 僕が君の仕事を引きごう。
    English I will take over your job.
  • Japanese 母親の青い目を受けいでいる。
    English She inherited her mother's blue eyes.
  • Japanese 父親が死んだ後、彼が事業を引きいだ。
    English He took over the business after his father died.
  • Japanese 父親が引退すると彼は商売をいだ。
    English On his father's retirement he took over the business.
  • Japanese 夫の死後彼女が事業を引きいだ。
    English She took over the business after her husband died.
  • Japanese 彼女は彼の意志を引きいだ。
    English She took over the will of him.
  • Japanese 彼女はその気性を祖父から受けいでいる。
    English She derives her temper from her grandfather.
  • Japanese 彼女の性格は母親から受けいでいる。
    English She derives her character from her mother.
  • Japanese 彼女の死後は彼が事業を引きいだ。
    English He took over the business after her death.
  • Japanese 彼は父親の商売を受けがなくてはならない。
    English He must succeed to his father's business.
  • Japanese 彼は父親の仕事を受けがなければならない。
    English He must succeed to his father's business.
  • Japanese 彼は父親の仕事を引きいだ。
    English He took over his father's business.
  • Japanese 彼は父親の後をいだ。
    English He took over the business from his father.
  • Japanese 彼は父親の会社の経営を引きいだ。
    English He has taken charge of his father's company.
  • Japanese 彼は父親の会社の営業を引きいだ。
    English He has taken charge of his father's company.
  • Japanese 彼は父の天才を幾分受けいでいる。
    English He has some share of his father's genius.
  • Japanese 彼は父の仕事をぎたい。
    English He wants to take over his father's business.



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