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見舞 みまい
noun (common) (futsuumeishi)
noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru
  • visiting ill or distressed people
  • writing get-well letters

  • expression of sympathy
  • expression of concern
  • enquiry
  • inquiry


    • onyomiケン
    • kunyomiみ.るみ.えるみ.せる
    • meaningsee; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible


  • Japanese 友人を見舞いに行く所です。
  • Japanese 娘がときどき私の見舞いにきてくれた。
    English My daughter came to see me from time to time.
  • Japanese 父は入院中のおじを見舞いにいった。
    English Father visited my uncle in hospital.
  • Japanese 病気見舞いはかえってありがた迷惑だ。
    English When one is sick, visitors can be rather annoying.
  • Japanese 病気の母を見舞うために帰郷しなければならないといった話をでっちあげた。
    English I'd made up some story about having to go home to see my sick mother.
  • Japanese 病気の時見舞いに来てくれてどうもありがとう。
    English It was very kind of you to visit me when I was ill.
  • Japanese 彼女は入院中のお母さんを見舞いに行くつもりだったのですが。
    English She expected to have called on her mother in hospital.
  • Japanese 彼女は日曜日以外、毎日病院にその老人を見舞った。
    English She visited the old man in the hospital every day but Sunday.
  • Japanese 彼女のお見舞いに行こうよ。
    English Why don't we go and see her in the hospital?
  • Japanese 彼を見舞った。
    English I inquired after him.
  • Japanese 彼らは私を見舞うためにその病院に来てくれた。
    English They came to the hospital to inquire after me.
  • Japanese 彼らは私の見舞いに病院へ来た。
    English They came to the hospital to inquire after me.
  • Japanese 彼は病気の友を毎日見舞いに来る。
    English He comes to see his sick friend day after day.
  • Japanese 彼は入院中の病気の友人を見舞った。
    English He visited a sick friend who was in the hospital.
  • Japanese 彼は入院中の彼女を1日おきに見舞いに行った。
    English He went to see her in hospital every other day.
  • Japanese 彼の病気の事を知っていたなら、病院に彼を見舞いにいっただろう。
    English If I'd known about his illness, I would've visited him in the hospital.
  • Japanese 東北地方は大変な冷害に見舞われた。
    English The Tohoku district was badly hit by the cold weather.
  • Japanese 息子の見舞いに来たのですが。
    English I'd like to see my son.
  • Japanese 息子がときどき私の見舞いにきてくれた。
    English My son came to see me from time to time.
  • Japanese 全国的に好景気に見舞われている。
    English We have been visited by a nation-wide economic boom.



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