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  • Japaneseでしょ!?
  • Japanese 「なあ、そこの姉さん」「え?」「ちょっと相に乗ってくれないか?」
    English "Say, you, the lady over there." "Eh?" "Could you give me a bit of advice?"
  • Japanese ちなみに、それはこの話の後日にする予定です。
    English By the way, I plan to do that for this story's sequel.
  • Japanese 医者に相して鎮静剤を処方してもらうのはどうでしょうか。
    English How about consulting a doctor and getting sedatives prescribed?
  • Japaneseだが、この念発火能力のことをパイロキネシスというらしい。
    English By the by, this ability to will fire into existence is apparently called pyrokinesis.
  • Japanese このため、会の席の配置では米国と相対して座る場所を求めた。
    English So they sought a place such that the conference seating would have them facing the Americans.
  • Japanese 「今日お父さんに会いに行く。進路相だ」「いいですよ、そんなの」
    English "I'm going to see your father today, about career counselling." "You don't need to bother with that."
  • Japanese 「じつは自由研究で相したいことがあって・・・」「どれ・・・。ふーん、被子植物について調べてるのね」
    English "Well, there's something I'd like your advice on about my research project ..." "Let's see... Hmm, you're investigating flowering plants then."
  • Japaneseじゃねえよ。
    English Are you freaking kidding me?!
  • Japanese 凄いです!こんな感動的な話は初めてです!まさに美の中の美談です!
    English Amazing! This moving a story is a first for me! It's truly an epic among epics!
  • Japanese 進路相があるんだってさ。だから今日は俺とパムだけだ。
    English He's got a career guidance meeting. So today it's just me and you.
  • Japanese もちろん冗と思って彼は「あっそ」と流していましたけどかなり嫌だったそうです。(ってゆうか冗談でもそんなこと言うな!)
    English Of course he thought it was a joke and let it slide with a "hm?" but he was seriously annoyed. I mean, just don't say things like that even as a joke!
  • Japanese どんな相にも、私で良ければ親身になって答えましょう。
    English Whatever you need to talk about, if I will do, I'll answer with loving care.
  • Japanese それは出来ない相だな。油物してる時に、火の傍から離れるのは言語道断だ。
    English I'm afraid I can't do that. Leaving the cooker while frying is completely out of the question.
  • Japanese Kさんの内緒にしていただくとの約束のもとに前回「左右」後日なる駄文をお送りしましたが、今回はその後日談です。
    English Last time I sent out my humble work, the afterword to "left-right", written on the promise that you'd keep it secret from him, this time it's the afterword to that afterword.
  • Japanese 「や、それほどでも。せいぜい、大きさ比べたり、わいするくらいだし」「大きさって何の?」「ナニの」
    English "No, not so much. At most comparing sizes, telling dirty stories." "Sizes of what?" "Of 'that'."
  • Japanese 「あれ?恵子は?」「今日は三者面だから遅れるって」
    English "Eh? Where's Keiko?" "Said she's got a parent and child meeting so she'll be late."
  • Japanese 和平会は再度失敗したが、双方とも相手方に失敗の責任ありと非難した。
    English The peace talks failed again, with both sides blaming the other for the failure.
  • Japanese 和平会は再度失敗した。
    English The peace talks failed again.
  • Japanese 和平会はしばらく延期された。
    English The peace talks have been suspended for a while.



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