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Hello, spanz.Your question is very good.The difference between では/には is the subject of the… - Feed Post from sho-sho to spanz

Hello, spanz.Your question is very good.The difference between では/には is the subject of the sentence.ex.「この店ではタバコを吸ってはいけない。」=You can't smoke in this store.In this sentence, the subject is not この店(this store).The subject;あなた(You) is skipped. Who can't smoke there is not the store, but you.「この店には喫煙所(smoking-area)が無い。」=This store doesn't have smoking-area.In this case, the subject is この店(This store).Who doesn't have smoking-area is not you, but the store.In this case, you want to say "In this store, fishes are more expensive than meats" right?Then the subject is "fishes" ,and "this store" is location.What be more expensive than meat is "fishes".Can you get my explanation?I'm not specialist for Japanese language, but a common Japanese.So, I'm not sure it's 100% correct. You should check it with textbook.The difference of では/には is difficult to explain. The vote was my mistake, don't mind it. It was my 2nd time to come here, so I didn't know what the number means and clicked with interest. sho-sho
posted by sho-sho


