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Just read the e-mail... And I'm level 4 now O.O I gotta tell ya, as I was practicing a… - Feed Post from saikou to beeant

Just read the e-mail... And I'm level 4 now O.O
I gotta tell ya, as I was practicing a few days back I thought it should take more exp to level up cuz I'm level 4 and I'm still stuck at level 2 halfway and it's getting tougher T_T, anyways this is just what I think.
Thnx again :)
posted by saikou

Comments 1

  • beeant

    Ya, I think so too...
    but You should take a look at this bulletin post

    I will to try to increase the requirement a little bit more. I will think about it. or reduce the EXP for practice and chapter tests...

    Right now, I am test driving making a new account from level 1.

    Thank You,


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