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Happy Birthday! - Feed Post from arheena to beeant

Happy Birthday!
posted by arheena

Comments 6

  • Mistwalker
    Wow so it is, good spot Arheena.

    Happy Birthday Beeant!
  • beeant
    Thank you arheena :)
  • beeant
    Thank you Mistwalker :)
  • beeant
    I'm sorry I have not been working on JCJP lately ><
  • Jadore_Violet
    oh happy belated. wish i had noticed b4. and you shouldn't be sorry you run a great site beeant san ^-^
  • beeant
    Thank you Jadore_Violet :)

    I'm sorry for my late reply, I have been loaded with so much work for my Uni ><

    Thank you very much for your appreciation on JCJP. I will keep on improving gradually. :)


