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@beeant Any chance you can change the mobile website so that the "..." button looks like a… - Feed Post from kekkou to beeant

@beeant Any chance you can change the mobile website so that the "..." button looks like a right-pointing arrow or "-->"?
posted by kekkou

Comments 10

  • kekkou
    Sorry. The > should look like an arrow tip or arrow head facing right.
  • beeant
    which arrow button do you mean?
  • kekkou
    Open JCJP pn an iPod, iPhone, smartphone, iPad, etc., and the "..." button is in the upper right corner. Can you change it into a right arrow?
  • kekkou
    In my last message, "pn" should be "on". Sorry.
  • kekkou
    Correction: The button should be a two-way or two-headed arrow.
  • beeant
    do you have any example of two way arrow? something like this?  ⇄
  • kekkou
    @beeant the example you just showed me is perfect! Yes, use that one. Thank you.
  • beeant
    I wonder why do you prefer it to be arrow? is there any other mobile app that uses that?
  • kekkou
    @beeant I think this is the only one. Maybe the other JCJP mobile users have other ideas. It's up to you.
  • kekkou
    @beeant The left arrow is perfect! Can you also make a right arrow for the top right side? Thanks.
